B' e cànanaiche a bh' ann an Alasdair MacGilleBhàin (Balguish ann am Bàideanach, 22 an t-Iuchar 1855 - Sruighlea, 4 an Giblean 1907).[1] Is e An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language an obair a b' ainmeile a rinn e ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig.

Alasdair MacGilleBhàin
Breith Baile a' Ghiuthais, 22 dhen Iuchar 1855
Dùthaich  Alba
Bàs Sruighlea, 4 dhen Ghiblean 1907
Foghlam Colaiste an Rìgh 1876) feallsanachd
Oilthigh Obar Dheathain
Cànain Gàidhlig
Dreuchd cànanaiche agus neach-teagaisg
Fastaichean Ordnance Survey (en) Translate


  • 1883–84. 'Celtic Mythology and Religion' anns an Celtic Magazine; foillsichte mar leabhar ann an Inbhir Nis, 1885. Ri fhaighinn tron Internet Archive agus archive.org.
  • 1885. 'The "Druid" Circles' ann an Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness vol. XI; foillsichte mar leabhar - Invernes: Eneas Mackay, 1914.
  • 1885. deasachadh agus eadar-theangachadh "The Book of Deer" ann an Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness vol. XI, 137–66. Ri fhaighinn tron Internet Archive
  • 1893. 'Celtic Burial', ann an Transactions of the Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club vol. III, Inverness.
  • 1895. Personal Names and Surnames of Inverness. Inverness.
  • 1896, 1911. Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. Inverness, 1911 (darna deasachadh, a' chiad fhoillseachadh 1896; ath-chlò-bhualadh ann an 1982 le Gairm, Glaschu).
  • 1917. 'Celtic Mythology and Religion', cruinneachadh le Celtic Mythology and Religion, The "Druid" Circles, and Celtic Burial. (Inverness: Eneas Mackay, 1917). Ath-chlo-bhualadh leis The Lost Library, Glastonbury, gun ceann-latha.
  1. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography