
Chunnaic mi gun robh an duilleag seo dearg fhathast:-). Ged a tha e caran fadalach, bu toil leam fàilte a chur ort ann an Uicipeid agus aig an aon àm "Mòran taing" a ràdh airson nan eadar-theangachaidhean a nì thu air an Translate Wiki. Tha e math ri fhaicinn gu bheil barrachd is barrachd den eadar-aghaidh an seo a' nochdadh anns a' Ghàidhlig a-nis! Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 17:18, 9 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)Reply

Cuspair ùr air an duilleig agam: Sin an dòigh cheart gus teachdaireachd a chur do chuideigin:-) Mar as trice cuirear fo-sgrìobhadh rithe air na duilleagan deasbaireachd, gheibh thu e le ~~~~ no briog air an t-soidhne leis a' pheann. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 08:29, 13 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)Reply
Tha mi agad a-nis GunChleoc (an deasbaireachd) 13:04, 14 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)Reply

Coinneamh sa Ghiblean


GunChleoc a charaid, Bidh Sionnach a-nall sa Ghiblean agus bidh sinn a' coinneachadh aig SMO. Nam biodh tu saor, am biodh ùidh agad coinneachadh ann an Dùn Èideann (no Glaschu) Dihaoine 7 Giblean agus bruidhnidh sinn air leasachaidhean Uicipeid? --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 17:12, 24 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)Reply

Chan eil mi cinnteach fhathast am bi mi ann, ach bhiodh ùidh agam ann. GunChleoc (an deasbaireachd) 09:59, 27 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)Reply
Cha bi mi an Alba aig an àm, duilich. GunChleoc (an deasbaireachd) 06:03, 30 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)Reply



Hello GunChleoc, I'm trying to get Citoid working on this wiki so that people can quickly generate references from a URL. To do that, citation templates need to be set up. The only one that's missing from the five Citoid uses is Template:Citation. Since you set up other templates, including Teamplaid:Iomradh lìon would you be able to create the gd.wp version of Template:Citation? Richard Nevell (WMUK) (an deasbaireachd) 10:53, 27 dhen Ògmhios 2017 (UTC)Reply

It's been a while, so I did a quick copy of the English template to https://gd.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teamplaid:Iomradh. I need to learn more though about what is needed, since the English one has a list of transcluded templates as long as my arm. Do you have an example page from the English Wikipedia for me? GunChleoc (an deasbaireachd) 15:49, 27 dhen Ògmhios 2017 (UTC)Reply
Thank you! The idea behind the generic 'citation' template seems to be acting as a catch all for anything not covered by news, web, book, or journal. The template is used here in reference 4 (the other references use cite journal or book, which shows that the approach to using them can be flexible). Does that help? Richard Nevell (WMUK) (an deasbaireachd) 15:27, 28 dhen Ògmhios 2017 (UTC)Reply
Yes, that's a bit clearer. I noticed that you have tons of "author" fields in that. We decided against that here, because we're a small Wikipedia and the data input would take too much time. So, we only use name, surname, other author(s). We also localized the parameter names. So, the question now is: Which variables do you need; can/must things be mapped? GunChleoc (an deasbaireachd) 15:47, 28 dhen Ògmhios 2017 (UTC)Reply
That sounds like a sensible and flexible approach. Do you tend to include editors? Overall, I think: name, surname, other author(s), title, date, periodical, publisher, url, accessdate and quote should be plenty. Richard Nevell (WMUK) (an deasbaireachd) 15:53, 28 dhen Ògmhios 2017 (UTC)Reply

Template data block in both Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar and Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar/doc


Hi, I notice that there is a templatedata block on both Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar and Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar/doc that you contributed to. It is confusing to have both because blocks directly on the page Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar take precedent over transcluded ones (Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar/doc) - and edits to the /doc one will have no effect as long as there is a block in Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar. So one should be deleted so that people aren't making edits to Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar/doc and expecting it will have any effect. (i.e. I noticed Richard Nevell put a citoid block in the /doc for this template for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T168937 but it does not work because of that.) Do you have a preference as to which one should be deleted? Are there some changes that should be moved before that?

Thanks! Mvolz (WMF) (an deasbaireachd) 09:53, 5 dhen Iuchar 2018 (UTC)Reply

I've gone ahead and merged the template data from the page into the block in the doc page. I hope that is okay; the params on Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar looked more recent so I pasted those over the ones in Teamplaid:Iomradh_leabhar/doc and updated the citoid maps accordingly. Mvolz (WMF) (an deasbaireachd) 15:12, 10 dhen Iuchar 2018 (UTC)Reply