deasaich- Fàilte ort a Shiùsaidh, leis an ad/chùram ùr agad! --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 22:22, 19 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- Fàilte bhuamsa cuideachd! --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 11:31, 20 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- Meal do naidheachd!--CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 09:36, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
Ceist agus beagan smuainean agamsa mu dhèidhinn Uicipeid
deasaichFàilte romhad gu Uicipeid agus meal do naidheachd.
Na smuainean agam:
- Saoilidh mise nach eil mòran goireasan fhollaiseach ann air deasachadh sa Ghàidhlig, mar eisimpleir, neach-treòrachaidh clò-sgrìobhaidh shràcan is "wiki markup", ciamar bogsan-fiosrachaidh a dhèanamh is a chleachdadh.
- Biodh spellchecker glè fheumail cuideachd. Is e post-d Michael Bauer, agus cha chreid mi nach biodh e deònach an spellchecker aige a cho-roinneadh leinn.
- Lorg mi liosta duilleagan ga dhèanamh, ach cha dh'fhuair mi càil. A bheil fear ann?
A barrachd air sin, tha mi a' sgrìobh artaigil mu dhèidhinn na Gort Mòr ann an Èirinn, agus bhithinn às-earrann ainmeil a cur, mar eisimpleir, "The Almighty, indeed, sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine." Biodh eadar-theangachadh ri taobh a' foghain, no bu choir dhomh Gàidhlig a chur air an abairt sin? Chuir mi ris a-mhàin do bhrìgh gu bheil an abairt ainmeil ann am Beurla.
Tapadh leat air adhbhart. Le deagh dhurachdan, Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 04:25, 28 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- AChatrìona: Gheibh thu an "spellchecker" Gàidhlig bho Mhichael Bauer saor an-asgaidh an seo Tha e ag obrachadh glè mhath ann an Uicipeid!--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:06, 28 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- Tapadh leat a Shionnaich. Tha thu ceart, tha glè fheumail. Ach a dh'aindeoin na cùise, b' fhearr leam gu bheil "spellchecker" ri làimh na h-uile cleachdaiche, gun umhail do fios mu a dhèidhinn no do "browser" sam bith an toil leis. Na mo bheachd-sa, tha uabhasach cudromach gum biodh Uicipeid cho fosgailte is urrainn dhuinn. Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 06:51, 28 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
Uicipeidiche is eile
deasaichHi Susan, saoilidh mi gum bi e nas fheàrr, na duilleagan seo a ghluasad gu "Duilleag a' phròiseict", air sgàth 's nach eile aiste a th' annta. Tha am "mainspace" dìreach airson aistean a-mhàin. Chì thu eisimpleir an seo:Uicipeid:Pròiseact nan Oileanach Mòran taing. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 18:22, 30 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC) PS. Tha iad a' còrdadh rium.
- Tapadh leat, 's e deagh mholadh a th' ann. Dè mu dheidhinn Uicipeid:Pròiseact an Uicipeidiche? Uicipeid:Uicipeidiche na Gàidhlig? (agus Uicipeid:Gaelic Wikipedian project sa Bheurla?) Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 19:52, 30 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- Gu ìre mhòir tha mi coma, ach is dòcha gu bheil Uicipeid:Uicipeidiche na Gàidhlig a' coimhead rud beag neònach, na faclan Uicipeid is Uicipeidiche cho dlùth ri chèile. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:13, 30 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- A bheil deagh àite air a' Phrìomh Dhuilleag airson ceangal do Dhuilleag a' Phròiseact a shuidheachadh? Fo Rò-ràdh/ Dè tha ri dhèanamh? Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 08:34, 31 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- Chunnaic mi gun do dh'fhàs na "Mùthaidhean ùra" fada na bu trainge an t-seachdain sa chaidh. Air an dàrna làimh tha sin math, ach air an làimh eile chan eil mi cinnteach an e "leasachadh" a th' annta. Mus cuir sinn barrachd sanasachd do Dhuilleag a' Phròiseact ann , bu toil leam faighneachd cò bhios a' coimhead an dèidh nan daoine ùra agus na deasaichean a rinn iad? --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:16, 5 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- A Shionnach chòir, chunna mi cuideachd gu bheil deasaiche na dhà ùr air a bhith trang. Tha mi diombach a-nis gu bheil an dreuchd pàrt-ùine is mi feuchainn ri adhartas a dhèanamh air iomadh rud aig an aon àm. 'S e an rud a tha fa-near dhomh, am Prìomh Dhuilleag agus Duilleag a' Phròiseict a leudachadh gus am bi slighe soilleir do dhaoine far am faigh iad stiùireadh agus comhairle fhad's a dh'ionnsaicheas iad modhan agus cleachdaidhean an Uici (agus gum bi na 'modhan' agus 'poileasaidhean' sin aonta againne cuideachd). Gu dearbha, chan e obair latha a th' ann. Ach cha tòisich mi air tachartasan poblach/bùithean-obrach eile fhad's nach eil na goireasan sin againn deiseil. Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 18:03, 6 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- A Susan chòir, tha mi cinnteach gu bheil thu ag obair gu math cruaidh. Air sgàth 's gur e mise a rinn na duilleagan beaga airson cobhair tha fios agam nach e obair latha a th' ann. Ach ma bhios mi a' coimhead air deasaicheanmar seo tha mi 'a faireachdainn gu bheil Leabharlann Nàiseanta air an t-slighe cearr le cus sanasachd mus bi thu deiseil leis na duilleagan agad. Faic an seo cuideachd. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 09:34, 7 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- Cha dèanar sanasachd a bharrachd a-nis ach nuair a bhitheas mi fhèin ga h-iarraidh. Tha barrachd tìde agam 'son còrr dhen t-seachdain sùil a chumail air an uici fhèin cuideachd. Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 17:01, 7 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- Sgoinneil! --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:25, 7 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- Cha dèanar sanasachd a bharrachd a-nis ach nuair a bhitheas mi fhèin ga h-iarraidh. Tha barrachd tìde agam 'son còrr dhen t-seachdain sùil a chumail air an uici fhèin cuideachd. Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 17:01, 7 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- A Susan chòir, tha mi cinnteach gu bheil thu ag obair gu math cruaidh. Air sgàth 's gur e mise a rinn na duilleagan beaga airson cobhair tha fios agam nach e obair latha a th' ann. Ach ma bhios mi a' coimhead air deasaicheanmar seo tha mi 'a faireachdainn gu bheil Leabharlann Nàiseanta air an t-slighe cearr le cus sanasachd mus bi thu deiseil leis na duilleagan agad. Faic an seo cuideachd. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 09:34, 7 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- A Shionnach chòir, chunna mi cuideachd gu bheil deasaiche na dhà ùr air a bhith trang. Tha mi diombach a-nis gu bheil an dreuchd pàrt-ùine is mi feuchainn ri adhartas a dhèanamh air iomadh rud aig an aon àm. 'S e an rud a tha fa-near dhomh, am Prìomh Dhuilleag agus Duilleag a' Phròiseict a leudachadh gus am bi slighe soilleir do dhaoine far am faigh iad stiùireadh agus comhairle fhad's a dh'ionnsaicheas iad modhan agus cleachdaidhean an Uici (agus gum bi na 'modhan' agus 'poileasaidhean' sin aonta againne cuideachd). Gu dearbha, chan e obair latha a th' ann. Ach cha tòisich mi air tachartasan poblach/bùithean-obrach eile fhad's nach eil na goireasan sin againn deiseil. Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 18:03, 6 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- Chunnaic mi gun do dh'fhàs na "Mùthaidhean ùra" fada na bu trainge an t-seachdain sa chaidh. Air an dàrna làimh tha sin math, ach air an làimh eile chan eil mi cinnteach an e "leasachadh" a th' annta. Mus cuir sinn barrachd sanasachd do Dhuilleag a' Phròiseact ann , bu toil leam faighneachd cò bhios a' coimhead an dèidh nan daoine ùra agus na deasaichean a rinn iad? --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:16, 5 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- A bheil deagh àite air a' Phrìomh Dhuilleag airson ceangal do Dhuilleag a' Phròiseact a shuidheachadh? Fo Rò-ràdh/ Dè tha ri dhèanamh? Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 08:34, 31 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- Gu ìre mhòir tha mi coma, ach is dòcha gu bheil Uicipeid:Uicipeidiche na Gàidhlig a' coimhead rud beag neònach, na faclan Uicipeid is Uicipeidiche cho dlùth ri chèile. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:13, 30 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
Chan eil madainn DiarDaoin ro mhath dhomh-sa ach nì mi èisteachd air a' char as lugha. 'S e akerbeltzalba an t-ainm agam air Shmype. Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 18:29, 20 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
You are invited!
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The Celtic Knot: Wikipedia Language Conference - Programme now live.
Stinglehammer (an deasbaireachd) 23:40, 16 dhen Chèitean 2017 (UTC)
Uicipeid na Gàidhlig
deasaichMòran taing dhut airson do chuideachadh! An-dràsta tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig le Speaking Our Language (You Tube), agus tha mi leabhar grammar agam. Tapadh leat airson an fhiosrachaidh! Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 21:22, 9 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- I'm just trying to help out. I am providing enough information to help Scottish school children who are being instructed in Gàidhlig. Until I retired I used to work for a school district here in Florida where pupils were instructed not to use Wikipedia under any circumstances when writing a paper or doing homework. The reason given was anyone can go in and change information. I was hoping that wasn't the case with the Scottish school system, since there is no Scottish encyclopedia, and resources for instruction in Gàidhlig are extremely limited. I have created such stubs for all 50 states for the Welch, Cornish, and Breton communites and never received any opposition from anyone. The individual who wrote me yesterday told me to limit things to the UK and to expand content, yet of the three articles he has written, two are about Basque culture and the third is little more than a stub. Besides, as shown on my profile page I am at a level one in Gàidhlig, so I can't write extensive articles. I don't understand why stubs are frowned upon, when a few years ago I saw Wikipedia give recognition to a woman who had created 2000 stubs, not articles. After all, the name of this organization is Wikipedia, not Essaypedia. I am this far with creating the stubs for all 50 states it would make sense to allow me to finish them. I'm not looking for recognition, I'm just trying to help.
- As for the following message I received today: "Could you make sure you understand the meaning of lùireach, gearradh-arm, seula, mapa and dealbh?" I understand their meanings, the problem is the person who created the templet didn't realize many, if not most, cities and towns in the US don't have flags or seals. The only thing that is necessary is displaying a map to show its location and a picture to show what the place looks like. If someone could go in and change the labeling, or show me how to do it, I would be more than happy to make the change myself. Better yet, if someone could create a new templet that only includes a map and a picture, then I will convert all templets over to the new one.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 20:39, 11 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- Susan, I just got your last message and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write and to help me better understand matters. I'm going to read it through and will ponder over matters. I have no background in programming and don't know how to write code. This is where I am a handicap. I went through some of the stubs on US states and saw items on the template had been corrupted, like where it shows the largest city and also where it provides a link to the state's website. I don't know how to correct this. As I mentioned above I would like to have a templet for the cities and towns changed so that only a map and a picture is provided. There are other areas I would like to help in, so I will go thought your message carefully, and will get back in touch. In the mean time I would like to at least finish with the US states and cities so that everything looks uniform. Right now, things look half baked. Thanks again for your help, and if someone could help me create new templets I would be grateful.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 21:19, 11 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- I'm not sure I understand how the template for the one used for US states became corrupted. If I had a programming or code writing background I would be more than willing to try to correct it myself, but I don't. I've come to realize over the years the reason I never had any interest in computer language is there is no culture that is connected to it. Studying any spoken language involves learning the culture of the people who speak it. They go hand in hand. It's through the culture one discovers the heart of its people. And I would much rather connect to people than to a machine. This is also one of the reasons why I reached out to the Gàidhlig Wikipedia.
- The only reason why I started up with Wikipedia again is because I've been receiving strange messages from Wikibots over the past couple of weeks. Why I suddenly started receiving them is a mystery. Focusing only on matters that would be of relevance to Scots is actually limiting their realm. That is not what Wikipedia is all about. There is more to life than what is just outside one's backdoor. I would like to finish the US states so that things look more polished and presentable, which is why I'm asking for assistance with the templates for the cities. One final note, I didn't appreciate the reference to Diddlytown in Arkansas. That came across to me as a step back into the classroom semantics of high school.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 02:26, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- Forgive me, but I'm also puzzled as to why he so quickly responded to something I wrote on your talk page. I wrote to you, not him. I smell a rat.
- There is no rat to smell. You can see publicly on Wikipedia where someone has been editing/writing. Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 08:41, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- I apologize if I was unaware that you can see publicly where someone else has been editing or writing. I am a casual Wikipedia contributor who has never gotten into the depths of all the ins and outs of everything Wikipedia. My only intention has been to help out. That is all. I was once nudged into the direction of applying for some grant that would have helped pay to attend a Wikipedia conference in Africa, but it didn't make sense for me to do so because I felt the grant could go to someone who was more deserving of it. It was discouraging for me to learn that school districts in the US don't want their students to use Wikipedia for reference, and I have specifically heard them tell their students this directly. Still, I believe in Wikipedia's mission, if not for classroom use, then for personal use when an individual wants to check something out.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 22:26, 13 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- There is no rat to smell. You can see publicly on Wikipedia where someone has been editing/writing. Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 08:41, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- Forgive me, but I'm also puzzled as to why he so quickly responded to something I wrote on your talk page. I wrote to you, not him. I smell a rat.
- The only reason why I started up with Wikipedia again is because I've been receiving strange messages from Wikibots over the past couple of weeks. Why I suddenly started receiving them is a mystery. Focusing only on matters that would be of relevance to Scots is actually limiting their realm. That is not what Wikipedia is all about. There is more to life than what is just outside one's backdoor. I would like to finish the US states so that things look more polished and presentable, which is why I'm asking for assistance with the templates for the cities. One final note, I didn't appreciate the reference to Diddlytown in Arkansas. That came across to me as a step back into the classroom semantics of high school.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 02:26, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- I'm not sure I understand how the template for the one used for US states became corrupted. If I had a programming or code writing background I would be more than willing to try to correct it myself, but I don't. I've come to realize over the years the reason I never had any interest in computer language is there is no culture that is connected to it. Studying any spoken language involves learning the culture of the people who speak it. They go hand in hand. It's through the culture one discovers the heart of its people. And I would much rather connect to people than to a machine. This is also one of the reasons why I reached out to the Gàidhlig Wikipedia.
- Susan, I just got your last message and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write and to help me better understand matters. I'm going to read it through and will ponder over matters. I have no background in programming and don't know how to write code. This is where I am a handicap. I went through some of the stubs on US states and saw items on the template had been corrupted, like where it shows the largest city and also where it provides a link to the state's website. I don't know how to correct this. As I mentioned above I would like to have a templet for the cities and towns changed so that only a map and a picture is provided. There are other areas I would like to help in, so I will go thought your message carefully, and will get back in touch. In the mean time I would like to at least finish with the US states and cities so that everything looks uniform. Right now, things look half baked. Thanks again for your help, and if someone could help me create new templets I would be grateful.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 21:19, 11 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- As for the following message I received today: "Could you make sure you understand the meaning of lùireach, gearradh-arm, seula, mapa and dealbh?" I understand their meanings, the problem is the person who created the templet didn't realize many, if not most, cities and towns in the US don't have flags or seals. The only thing that is necessary is displaying a map to show its location and a picture to show what the place looks like. If someone could go in and change the labeling, or show me how to do it, I would be more than happy to make the change myself. Better yet, if someone could create a new templet that only includes a map and a picture, then I will convert all templets over to the new one.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 20:39, 11 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- I'm just trying to help out. I am providing enough information to help Scottish school children who are being instructed in Gàidhlig. Until I retired I used to work for a school district here in Florida where pupils were instructed not to use Wikipedia under any circumstances when writing a paper or doing homework. The reason given was anyone can go in and change information. I was hoping that wasn't the case with the Scottish school system, since there is no Scottish encyclopedia, and resources for instruction in Gàidhlig are extremely limited. I have created such stubs for all 50 states for the Welch, Cornish, and Breton communites and never received any opposition from anyone. The individual who wrote me yesterday told me to limit things to the UK and to expand content, yet of the three articles he has written, two are about Basque culture and the third is little more than a stub. Besides, as shown on my profile page I am at a level one in Gàidhlig, so I can't write extensive articles. I don't understand why stubs are frowned upon, when a few years ago I saw Wikipedia give recognition to a woman who had created 2000 stubs, not articles. After all, the name of this organization is Wikipedia, not Essaypedia. I am this far with creating the stubs for all 50 states it would make sense to allow me to finish them. I'm not looking for recognition, I'm just trying to help.
- Jhendin, talk pages are not private and other users are welcome to contribute to discussions on them. In general, please respond below the message you are replying to so that the whole conversation is easy to read and the chronology is clear. Also, if someone leaves a message on your talk page, you can reply there too. That's clearer than replying on their talk page as it keeps the discussion on one page. Other users can see and, even be notified, when changes have been made on someone's talk page. This is fine. However, if you'd like to continue a discussion off-wiki and by email, and if the user's settings allow it, you can click on 'Cuir post gun chleachdaiche seo' in the left-hand side menu from their user or talk page. You are welcome to email me if you prefer. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 08:53, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
The reason I suggested that if you wish to work on short geography stubs, then focussing on such that are of some relevance to Gaelic speakers (i.e. ones which are close-ish to home), would be easier to justify that Diddlytown in Arkansas, pure and simple. I have created and translated a great many longer pieces, aside from fixing countless typos and keeping the user interface translated. But I see why it suits to focus on Rekuhkara. Each Wikipedia community sets their own goals and priorities, as I've said elsewhere (incidentally, it is generally not considered good form to spread out a debate across multiple talk pages if it's really the same debate). On the bigger Wikis I'm sure that creating 2000 stubs ultimately lead to longer articles but this is not the English or German Wikipedia, we simply do not have 10,000 editors who follow in the wake of someone creating 2000 stubs on minor towns in the US. They will, on the whole, remain stubs for a very long time. Surely in such circumstances, a focus on quality is not that hard to understand? Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 22:49, 11 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- There are a few different points raised in this discussion. I'm going to address them one at a time, starting with the template for towns. For the messages to thread and be easily read, I'll continue this where it is being discussed on the talk page of CreagNamBathais. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 07:43, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
US town stubs
deasaichJhendin, I won't simply repeat here the message I left on your talk page about stub creation on Uicipeid, but I hope you can reflect on it. I'd like you to consider in particular the contribution you could make expanding the existing stubs on towns (in Ireland/Scotland) that aren't even as developed as yours and we can identify the appropriate sources and templates. However, it seems to me that it would be also be constructive to start by tidying up the existing stubs. I'll have a look at some of the older ones and see what other problems there are with links. I've also noticed that on the new pages the date of the reference hasn't been updated e.g. Air a thogail ...2012 rather than the date the information was accessed. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 10:48, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- I honestly don't know how I can develop stubs for towns in Ireland/Scotland. I have a vocabulary in Gaidhlig of less than a hundred words. If you're also referring to tidying up the existing stubs for the US states I would be more than happy to do that, but I'm going to need help with the templates. How the one for US states became corrupted doesn't make sense. The largest city and the link for the city's website don't work and they were fine when I first installed them 2/3 years ago. Why are just those two items corrupted? Someone on another language's Wiki site once created for me a new template when the original one was in error, so I know it can be done. I don't know where to begin in correcting the current one. I made a copy of your message on my talk page so that I could reflect on it, but as it stands now I'm wondering if the stubs that have been created for US cities and towns should be deleted, because if expansion in that area is frowned upon then it almost doesn't seem to sense for the current ones to exist. Another thing to consider is I am not a Scotsman nor am I Irish. My knowledge of those two countries is limited, and that is why I thought I could be of much help when it came to the US states, because I am an American and was heavily schooled in that area. As I stated before, the person who created the original template for US cities didn't realize most cities and towns don't have their own flag and/or seal. So in posting the template you are left with awkward empty space that looks sloppy and somewhat unprofessional. I've seen this same problem for other Wikipedia language pages.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 22:10, 13 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- Hello, I have a busy week this week, so this message is just to say I do plan on getting a fuller answer to you when I can. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 10:31, 18 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- I honestly don't know how I can develop stubs for towns in Ireland/Scotland. I have a vocabulary in Gaidhlig of less than a hundred words. If you're also referring to tidying up the existing stubs for the US states I would be more than happy to do that, but I'm going to need help with the templates. How the one for US states became corrupted doesn't make sense. The largest city and the link for the city's website don't work and they were fine when I first installed them 2/3 years ago. Why are just those two items corrupted? Someone on another language's Wiki site once created for me a new template when the original one was in error, so I know it can be done. I don't know where to begin in correcting the current one. I made a copy of your message on my talk page so that I could reflect on it, but as it stands now I'm wondering if the stubs that have been created for US cities and towns should be deleted, because if expansion in that area is frowned upon then it almost doesn't seem to sense for the current ones to exist. Another thing to consider is I am not a Scotsman nor am I Irish. My knowledge of those two countries is limited, and that is why I thought I could be of much help when it came to the US states, because I am an American and was heavily schooled in that area. As I stated before, the person who created the original template for US cities didn't realize most cities and towns don't have their own flag and/or seal. So in posting the template you are left with awkward empty space that looks sloppy and somewhat unprofessional. I've seen this same problem for other Wikipedia language pages.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 22:10, 13 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
deasaichNach e tha fliuch a-nis! Fàilte gu Steòrnabhagh!--Leabhar-gae (an deasbaireachd) 15:01, 1 dhen Lùnastal 2017 (UTC)
deasaichDroch fheasgair againn a nis.--Dena1c (an deasbaireachd) 15:03, 1 dhen Lùnastal 2017 (UTC)
deasaichle durachd.--Catr4b (an deasbaireachd) 15:03, 1 dhen Lùnastal 2017 (UTC)