Bha Lachlan Mac a’ Phearsain (1723 gu 1767 no a-réir thùsan eile mu 1795)[1] ’na bhàrd Ghàidhlig agus ceòladair.[2]

Lachlan Mac a’ Phearsain
Breith Srath Mathaisidh, 1723 (Julian)
Dùthaich  Alba
Bàs 1780
Cànain Beurla
Dreuchd bàrd agus sgrìobhadair
Gnè ealain bàrdachd

B'e mac Iain Mac a’ Phearsain agus Sìne Nic an Toisich a bh' ann. Is fheàrr a dh’aithnichear e fon ainm Fear Shrath Mhathaisidh bhon tac ann an Srath Mathaisidh, (Siorrachd Inbhir Nis),[3] a fhuair e mar oighre bho a athair beagan às dèidh 1758.

  • An Long Éiginn: An Lasair,d. 242-245
  • Aoir nan Luch: An Lasair d. 218-221
  • Cumha do Thighearna Chluainidh: An Lasair: 258-263


  • Turner, Peter. Collection of Songs. Dùn Èideann 1813.
  • MacKenzie, John (deas.) Sàr-obair nam Bàrd Gaelach. Glaschu 1841.
  • Rogers, C. The modern Scottish minstrel; or, The songs of Scotland of the past half century, with memoirs of the poets, and specimens in English verse of modern Gaelic bards. Vol. III. Dùn Èideann 1856.
  • Macneill, Nigel. The literature of the Highlanders: a history of Gaelic literature from the earliest times to the present day. Inbhir Nis 1892.
  • Sinclair, Rev. A. Maclean (deas.) The Gaelic Bards Vol.2 Charlottetown 1892.
  • Sinclair, Rev. A. Maclean (deas.) The Gaelic bards from 1715 to 1765. Charlottetown 1892.
  • Mac-Talla, 1894, № 21 (21-27 Nov.) Sydney, Alba Nuadh
  • Sinton, Rev. Dr Thomas. The Poetry of Badenoch. Inbhir Nis, 1906.
  • Thomson, Derick. An Introduction to Gaelic Poetry. Dùn Èideann, 1990.
  • Thomson, Derick. Gaelic Poetry in the Eighteenth Century. Obar Dheathain, 1993.
  • Gaskill, Howard (deas.), The Poems of Ossian and Related Works. (Dùn Èideann, 1996);
  • Fiona Stafford and Howard (deas.), From Gaelic to Romantic: Ossianic Translations. (Amsterdam, 1998)
  • Black, Ronald. (deas.) An Lasair (The Flame): An Anthology of Eighteenth-century Gaelic Verse. 2001.
  • Джеймс Макферсон. Поэмы Оссиана. Перевод и примечания Ю. Д. Левина. ЛП, Л., 1983


  1. Witkowsky
  2. Cuairtean
  3. Coimisean na Coilltearachd