'Na b(h)all o chionn 30 dhen Iuchar 2007
Halò, fàilte dhan duilleag agam. Cuir fios thugam ma bhios beachd sam bith agaibh air rud sam bith a bheireadh piseach air Bhicipèidia na Gàidhlig!
Faclair Bith-eòlais, Beurla-Gàidhlig
Faclan às an leabhair Bith-Eòlas; *A' Chealla, Gintinneachd is Mean-fhas le Raghnall MacLeòid.
- adenin - adenine
- adhartach - advanced
- aidhiodain - iodine
- ailbineachd - albinism
- àile - atmosphere
- aileal - allele
- ailealomorg - allelomorph
- ailigeutair - alligator
- aillse - cancer
- aimrid - sterile
- ainmh-eòlaiche - zoologist
- air thuaiream - random
- aistridhe-SRN (a-SRN) - transfer-RNA (t-RNA)
- algach - algal
- amoebeach - amoeboid
- anatomach - anatomical
- an cruth - morphologically
- An Ear-Mheadhon - The Middle-East
- ann am pàirt - shared
- antair - anther
- antibiotaic - antibiotic
- anticòdon - anticodon
- anticorp - antibody
- antigine - antigen
- aoncheallach - unicellular
- àraich, àrach - secrete, secreting
- àraidhichte - specialized
- àrsair - archaeologist
- atharrachadh - variation
- ath-chur - transplant
- ath-fhilleadh - invagination
- autosom - autosome
- bacteridheach - bacterial
- balbh-bhuidhre - deaf mutism
- balg - abdomen
- ball-bodhaig - organ
- bann peptideach - peptide bond
- beachd - theory
- beachd-smuain - idea
- beag-dhuilleag - microphyll
- beinn-theine - volcano
- beirmeir - enzyme
- bìocar - beaker
- bith-cheimiceach - biochemical
- bith-cheimicear - biochemist
- bith-eòlas - biology
- bith-eòlasach - biological
- bloigheag - particle
- bodhaigeil - somatic
- bolcànach - volcanic
- bolcàno - volcano
- breabadair - daddy-longlegs
- brid(eadh) - breed(ing)
- bròg na cuthaige - butterwort
- Bryozoanach - Bryozoan
- buadhach - successful (biologically)
- buidheann co-cheangailte - linkage group
- bun - base
- bun-stèidh - origin
- camadh - complexity, complication
- cangaru - kangaroo
- capsal - capsule
- carbon dà-ocsaid - carbon dioxide
- carpal - carpel
- carran - shrimp
- casta - complex
- catailiseadh - catalysing
- Caucasach - Caucasian
- cealla (ceallan) - cell
- cealla-roinn - cell division
- cealla-sìl - sperm cell
- ceallan-dealachaidh - secretory cells
- ceallan-giùlain - conducting cells
- ceallan teumaidh - stinging cells
- ceaphalach - cephalic, of the head
- cearban - shark
- ceimic - chemistry
- ceimiceach - chemical
- ceus - case
- ciadad - percentage
- ciadadach - percentage (adj.)
- ciadameatair - centimetre
- cile - cilium
- ciliche, cilichte - ciliate, ciliated
- cilemeatair - kilometre
- cinneas - growth
- cinnidheachd - racism
- citoplasm - cytoplasm
- ciùbach - cubic
- clais-mhòr - gorge
- cliabh - thorax
- clìomaid - climate
- cloimh-liath - mould
- clorofail - chlorophyll
- cloroplast (-aichean) - chloroplast
- cnapach - granular
- cneas-fhilm - cuticle
- cnuimh - fluke
- cnuimh-ribeineach - tape-worm
- co-cheangal - linkage, correlation
- co-chur - synthesis
- co-chur ceimiceach - chemosynthesis
- co-chur sgreubhaidh - dehydration synthesis
- co-dhlùthaich - condense
- Coelenterat - Coelenterate
- co-ghnèitheach - homologous
- co-ionnan - identical
- co-phàirteach - compound
- co-thàth(-aidhean) - compound
- co-thiùrr - co-acervate
- co thiùrradh - coacervation
- co-thoinnte - complex
- còd - code
- còdon - codon
- còdon gun-chiall - nonsense codon
- coimhearsnachd - environment
- coimhlionadh - complementing
- coimhliontach - complementary
- comas-saoraidh - catalytic function
- comharradh - character, characteristic
- comharradh coltais - phenotypic trait
- còmhlan - group, phylum
- còn - cone
- corail - coral
- Còrdaichte - Chordate
- còrr - odd
- còrr-mhial - mosquito
- cothrom - even
- craobh-durcain - conifer
- craos-ghalar - thrush (the disease)
- creathall - lamprey
- creatlach - skeleton
- creimeach - rodent
- crogall - crocodile
- cromataid(-ean) - chromatid
- cromataid-càirdeach - sister chromatid
- cromosom(-an) - chromosome
- cromosomach - chromosomal (adj.)
- crosadh - crossing
- crosgag - starfish
- cruine - sphere
- cruth-atharraich - catalyse
- cruth-rannsachadh - morphological investigation
- cuairteachadh - circulation
- cuileag-ghlas - greenfly
- cur-thuige - activation
- cuthach mongolach - mongoloid idiocy
- cytosin - cytosine
- dà-dhadum - diatom
- dà-dhadumach - diatomaceous
- dairbeagach - tadpole-like
- dallag-an-fhraoich - shrew
- dà-mheudach - two-dimensional
- daolag - worm
- daolag-chruinn - roundworm
- daolag-dearcain - acorn-worm
- daolag-rèidh - flat-worm
- daolag-sgarte - segmented-worm
- dàrnach - secondary
- dath-dhall - colour-blind
- dath-dhoille - colour-blindness
- dath-fhradharc - colour vision
- dealachadh - secretion
- dèanamh gineach - gene constitution
- dearc-luachrach - newt
- deathach, deatach - water vapour
- deatachadh - evaporation
- deuchainn-ealdhain - scientific experiment
- dìneosor - dinosaur
- diofaraichte - differentiated
- dìosganach - parasite
- diùid - reduced
- dol na dheathach - evaporation
- do-lùbtha - rigid
- draghte-mach - elongated
- dualchas - inheritance
- dùblaite - diploid
- each-mara - walrus
- eaconomaidh - economy
- eactodairm - ectoderm
- eactodairmeach - ectodermal
- eadar-atharraich - differentiate
- eadar-chuing - heterozygote
- eadar-chuingeach - heterozygous
- eadar-fhighe - tissue
- eadar-fhillte - complex
- eadar-ghiùlain - translation
- eadar-ìreach - interphase
- eadar-mheasgte - diverse
- eadar-oibre - interaction
- eadar-oibreachadh - interacting
- eadar-thoinnte - complex
- eandodairm - endoderm
- Echinodairm - Echinoderm
- endoplasmach - endoplasmic
- Eòrp-Innseanach - Indo-European
- factar - factor
- falmhag - vacuole
- faoighiche - parasite
- far-stuth - by-product
- fàs-bheairt(-ean) - organ, organism
- fàs-bheairteach - organic
- fàs-bheairteag - organelle
- fàs suas ri - adapt
- fearsaid - spindle (in mitosis)
- fèineadh - selfing
- fiabhras rheumatas - rheumatic fever
- fileamaid - filament
- fileamaideach - filamentous
- fiodh-snodhaich - sapwood
- fionnag-craoibhe - tree shrew
- fionnan-feòir - grasshopper
- fìor-bhrideadh - true-breeding
- fìor-chnòthach - eukaryotic
- fìor-uidheamaichte - highly-specialized
- fisiceach - physical
- flaigeallach - flagellated
- flaigeallaiche - flagellate
- flaigeallaiche-coileir - collar flagellate
- flùr-bhileag - petal
- fluth - tumour
- fluthach - tumourous
- fo-phàirt - sub-unit
- fosail - fossil
- fo-thalamh - substrate
- foto-cho-chur - photosynthesis
- foto-cho-churte - photosynthetic
- freumhagach - fibrous
- fri-fhilleadh - replication
- frith-sheòrsa - off-shoot
- fungach - fungal
- galaireach - infective
- galar-dhùsgach - pathogenic
- gallchnò - walnut
- gamait - gamete, sexcell
- gastralach - gastrula-like
- gath-iteach - ray-finned
- gine - gene
- gineach - gene (adj.)
- gineteip - genotype
- ginideachadh - germinating, germination
- ginteil - genetic
- gintinn saor-thoileach - spontaneous generation
- gintinneachd - genetics
- giùlan - conducting
- glasag - sea-lettuce
- gluasad - trend
- gnàthach - normal
- gnètheach - sexual
- gnìomhach - functional
- goirilla - gorilla
- gràineag - granule
- greimiche - tentacle
- greim-làidir - holdfast
- gualan - carbon
- gualuisg - carbohydrate
- guanin - guanine
- haidrodean - hydrogen
- hèimofilia - haemophilia
- hièana - hyaena
- hormon - hormone
- iasg-phèist - ichthyosaur
- iasg-sgamhain - lung-fish
- imrich-a-steach - immigration
- iomacheallach - multicellular
- iomadh-fhillte - complex
- iomadh-fillteachd - complex (subst.)
- ioma-niùclaideach - multinucleate
- iom-oibreachadh - reaction (chemical)
- ionnan-chuingeach - homozygous
- itheadair sìolaidh - filter-feeder
- laghairt - lizard
- làrach-fosail - fossil impression
- làrbha - larva
- làrbhach - larval
- leacach - flat, flattened
- lèamur - lemur
- leasachadh-fala - blood transfusion
- leathnachadh - development
- liathchorcra - lilac
- lionn - liquid
- lionn leaghte - solution
- liososom - lysosome
- lòcus - locus
- luchruban - pygmy
- luibh-brididh - gametophyte
- luibhean-luaisgein - phytoplankton
- luibh sìolachadh - sporophyte
- lusanach - herbaceous
- lus an àinean - liverwort
- lùths - energy
- mac-chealla - daughter cell
- macro-mhoileciuil - macromolecule
- mailèiria - malaria
- mamal - mammal
- maothan - lobe
- maothanach - lobed
- mathan koala - koala bear
- meadhonag - centriole
- meadhonail - mean
- meall - aggregate
- meall moileciuileach - molecular aggregate
- meamran - membrane
- meamranach - membranous
- meanbh-fhrìde - insect
- mean-fhàs - evolution
- mean-fhàsach - evolutionary
- meang - abnormality
- meangach - abnormal
- mearachadh - aberration
- measodairm - mesoderm
- meatabolach - metabolic
- meatair - metre
- mèinnireil - mineral
- meiòsis - meiosis
- meristeamataic - meristematic
- meudachadh - magnification
- micro-fhàs-bheairt - micro-organism
- mì-dhùthchasach - degenerate
- mì-ghnàthach - abnormal
- mìleliotair - millilitre
- mìlemeatair - millimetre
- miocroscopach - microscopic
- mion-sgrùdadh - analysis
- miotocondrach - mitochondrial
- miotocondrion - mitochondrion
- miotòsach - mitotic
- miotòsis - mitosis
- moileciuil - molecule
- moileciuileach - molecular
- mongolachd - mongolism
- mongolachd atharraichte - translocation mongolism
- mongus - mongoose
- mòr-chuanach - oceanic
- mòr-dhuilleag - macrophyll
- muir-thìreach - amphibian
- mùthadh - mutation
- mùthaidh - mutant
- naitrodean - nitrogen
- nearbh - nerve
- neo-adhartach - primitive
- neo-adhartachd - primitiveness
- neo-cheallach - non-cellular
- neo-fhàs-bheairteach - inorganic
- neo-rheasach - rhesus-negative
- niùclas - nucleus
- niùclasag - nucleolus
- niùclataid - nucleotide
- obair-lann - laboratory
- obair-lann ealdhain - scientific laboratory
- ocsaidean - oxygen
- opossum - opossum
- os-nàdarrach - supernatural
- paidhir - pair
- pàirteachadh - division
- pàirtich - divide
- pèist - reptile
- penisilion - penicillin
- peptid - peptide
- peptideach - peptide (adj.)
- phenoteip - phenotype
- phosphat - phosphate
- phosphor - phosphorus
- pìobag - tubule
- pìoban - tube
- pirimidin - pyrimidine
- placodairm - placoderm
- plàigh - pest
- planarach - planarian
- plancton - plankton
- plaseanta - placenta
- platypus gob-tunnaige - duck-billed platypus
- Plesiosor - Plesiosaur
- poc - sac
- pocag - vesicule
- poilean - pollen
- poileanaich - pollinate
- poiliniùclataideach - polynucleotide
- poilipheptid - polypeptide
- poiliriobosom - polyribosome
- prìomhaid - primate
- prìomh theannachadh - centromere
- probhadh - experiment
- pròtain - protein
- protoplasma - protoplasm
- prugan - projection
- puing - degree (temperature)
- purin - purine
- raon - plane
- Raon Chrogan - Urnfield
- rèididheachd - radiation
- reinfhiadh - reindeer
- rèisio - ratio
- reticulum endoplasmach - endoplasmic reticulum
- rheasach - rhesus (adj.)
- riaghailt - system
- rian - system
- rian-cnàmhaidh - digestive system
- riobosom - ribosome
- roc - ray
- roimh-chnòthach - prokaryotic
- roinn lùghdachaidh - reduction division
- ro-rheasach - rhesus-positive
- ruith - sequence
- samhail - model
- saoghal - life cycle
- saor-bhithesch - free-living
- seacach - contractile
- seangan-itheadair druimneach - spiny ant-eater
- searbhag - acid
- searbhag amino - amino acid
- searbhag deocsairioboniùclasach (SDN) - deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- searbhag ghlutamach - glutamic acid
- searbhag niùclasach - nucleic acid
- searbhag rioboniùclasach (SRN) - ribonucleic acid (RNA)
- seòrsa - species
- seòrsa fala - blood group
- sgairp - scorpion
- sgàl - scale
- sgaoileadh - distribution
- sgarte - segmented
- sgrìobach - abrasive
- sgòdan - appendage
- sguid - squid
- simpansidhe - chimpanzee
- singlite - haploid
- sìobhaltachd - civilization
- sìol - sperm
- siopal - sepal
- sioraf - giraffe
- sliopair - slipper
- smachd - dominance
- smachdail - dominant
- so-ghluasaid - motile
- speisealachadh - specialization
- spòr (-aichean) - spore
- stamain - stamen
- steallaire-mara - sea-squirt
- stiogma - stigma
- structair - structure
- stuth (-bodhaig, -nearbhaichean) - tissue(s)
- stuth-giùlain - conducting tissues
- stuthaigeadh - starch
- stuth-dhath - pigment
- suilfid haidrodean - hydrogen sulphide
- suim - system
- suth - embryo
- tachartas ceimiceach - chemical reaction
- tair-dhealbh - cross-section
- tair-sgrìobhadh - transcription
- tair-thorrachadh - cross-fertilization
- tana - dilute
- teachdair-SRN (t-SRN) - messenger-RNA (m-RNA)
- teamplaid - template
- teannachadh - constriction
- teicheach - recessive
- teoiric - theory
- thymin - thymine
- tionnsgain - industry
- tomhas-lìonaidh - volume
- torrach - fertilized
- torrachadh - fertilization
- trasdach - transitional
- tre-dhearcach - transparent
- tre-rèididheachadh - irradiation
- trì-bhunach - triplet
- trom - a conception
- tropaicean - tropics
- uachdar-fhiaclan - toothpaste
- ughag - ovule
- ugh-chealla - egg cell
- ugh-lann - ovary
- ùidheachail - interesting
- uidheam - mechanism
- uidheam-dìon - defence mechanism
- uidheam-diùltaidh - rejection mechanism
- uile-chuairteach - cylindrical
- uilte - jointed
- uisge-ruith - liquid water
- ulsair-peapaic - peptic ulcer
- ultra-violait - ultra-violet
- vìoras(-an) - virus
X-ghath - X-ray