Dennis Ritchie
Dennis MacAllister Ritchie (9 an t-Sultain 1941- 12 an Dàmhair 2011[1]) rugadh anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, dh'aithneachear air sgàth 's gun do chruthaich e an cànan-prògramachaidh C.
Eachdraidh a Bheatha
deasaichRugadh Ritchie ann am Bronxville, Eabhraig Nuadh. Ghluais e leis a theaghlach gu Summit, New Jersey, nuair a bha e na bhalach.[2] Fhuair e ceum aig Oilthigh Harvard ann am fiosaigs agus matamataig gnìomhach.
deasaich- ↑
"Unix creator Dennis Ritchie dies aged 70". BBC News. October 13, 2011. Retrieved 2011-10-14.
Pioneering computer scientist Dennis Ritchie has died after a long illness. ... The first news of Dr Ritchie's death came via Rob Pike, a former colleague who worked with him at Bell Labs. Mr Ritchie's passing was then confirmed in a statement from Alcatel-Lucent which now owns Bell Labs.
- ↑ Keill, Liz. "Berkeley Heights man wins Japan Prize for inventing UNIX operating system", Independent Press, 1 Gearran, 2011. leughte October 17, 2011. "Ritchie, 69, has lived in Berkeley Heights for 15 years. He was born in Bronxville, New York, grew up in Summit and attended Summit High School before going to Harvard University."