'S e tè den Stàitean Aonaichte a tha ann an Connecticut. Tha i suidhichte air oirthir an ear, agus ann an Sasainn Nuadh. Tha 3,547,097 duine a' fuireach anns an stàite.[1] Tha Hartford na prìomh-bhaile[2] ach 's e Bridgeport am baile as motha a tha ann an Connecticut. Tha Connecticut aon de na 13 tìrean-imrich a bha a' sabaid an-aghaidh smachd na Breatannaich anns an Ar-a-mach Ameireaganach. Chaidh Oilthigh Yale, oilthigh gu math ainmeil san làithean an-diugh, a' stèidheachadh ann an Connecticut ann an 1701. Tha e air a bhith na stàit bho 9 am Faoilleach 1788.[3]
Pàirt de | contiguous United States, Sasainn Nuadh |
Cur air cois | 9 dhen Fhaoilleach 1788 |
Ainm dùthchasach | State of Connecticut |
Farainm | The Constitution State, The Provisions State, The Nutmeg State, The Land of Steady Habits |
Ainm goirid | CT |
Archives at | Connecticut State Library |
Ainmichte às dèidh | Connecticut River |
Neach bhon àite | Connecticuter, Connecticutian, Konektikutano, Nutmegger |
Cànan oifigeil | no value |
Laoidh | Yankee Doodle, The Nutmeg |
Motto | Qui Transtulit Sustinet |
Motto | Qui transtulit sustinet |
Mòr-roinn | Aimearaga a Tuath |
Dùthaich | Na Stàitean Aonaichte |
Prìomh-bhaile | Hartford |
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadail | Na Stàitean Aonaichte |
Roinn-tìde | Eastern Time Zone, America/New_York |
Faisg air an uisge | Cuan Siar |
Domhan-leud is -fhad | 41°36′0″N 72°42′0″W |
Coordinates of geographic center | 41°37′19″N 72°43′38″W |
Coordinates of northernmost point | 42°3′2″N 73°25′57″W |
Coordinates of southernmost point | 40°58′57″N 73°37′24″W |
Coordinates of westernmost point | 41°6′2″N 73°43′39″W |
Puing as àirde | Mount Frissell |
Lowest point | Long Island Sound |
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltais | Governor of Connecticut |
Ceannard an riaghaltais | Ned Lamont |
Executive body | Government of Connecticut |
Legislative body | Connecticut General Assembly |
Highest judicial authority | Connecticut Supreme Court |
Crìoch còmhla ri | Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Eabhraig Nuadh |
Teacsa stéidheachaidh | Constitution of Connecticut |
Na bh’ann roimhe | Connecticut Colony |
Language used | Mohegan-Pequot, Narragansett |
Làrach-lìn | |
Hashtag | Connecticut |
Bratach | flag of Connecticut |
Has seal, badge, or sigil | Great Seal of the State of Connecticut |
Official symbol | Treshlen Americaanagh |
Geography of topic | geography of Connecticut |
History of topic | history of Connecticut |
Official color | no value |
Related category | Category:Connecticut-related lists |
Open data portal | Connecticut Open Data |
Economy of topic | economy of Connecticut |
Demographics of topic | demographics of Connecticut |
OpenStreetMap zoom level | 8 |
Official map URL | |
NCI Thesaurus ID | C43466 |
Stack Exchange tag | |
Roinn-seòrsa an deilbh | Category:Views of Connecticut |
Category for maps | Category:Maps of Connecticut |
Bailtean Eile
Daoine Ainmeil
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+ Ceàrn: Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia)