Uicipeid:All system messages
Seo liosta de theachdaireachdan an t-siostaim a tha ri làimh ann an ainm-spàs MediaWiki. Tadhail air Ionadaileadh MediaWiki is translatewiki.net ma tha thu airson pàirt a ghabhail ann an ionadaileadh MediaWiki.
Name |
Default text |
Current text |
$1 moved to $2 | ||
$1 moved to $2 over redirect | ||
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/* tooltips and access keys */ ta = new Object(); ta['pt-userpage'] = new Array('.','My user page'); ta['pt-anonuserpage'] = new Array('.','The user page for the ip you\'re editing as'); ta['pt-mytalk'] = new Array('n','My talk page'); ta['pt-anontalk'] = new Array('n','Discussion about edits from this ip address'); ta['pt-preferences'] = new Array('','My preferences'); ta['pt-watchlist'] = new Array('l','The list of pages you\'re monitoring for changes.'); ta['pt-mycontris'] = new Array('y','List of my contributions'); ta['pt-login'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.'); ta['pt-anonlogin'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.'); ta['pt-logout'] = new Array('o','Log out'); ta['ca-talk'] = new Array('t','Discussion about the content page'); ta['ca-edit'] = new Array('e','You can edit this page. Please use the preview button before saving.'); ta['ca-addsection'] = new Array('+','Add a comment to this discussion.'); ta['ca-viewsource'] = new Array('e','This page is protected. You can view its source.'); ta['ca-history'] = new Array('h','Past versions of this page.'); ta['ca-protect'] = new Array('=','Protect this page'); ta['ca-delete'] = new Array('d','Delete this page'); ta['ca-undelete'] = new Array('d','Restore the edits done to this page before it was deleted'); ta['ca-move'] = new Array('m','Move this page'); ta['ca-nomove'] = new Array('','You don\'t have the permissions to move this page'); ta['ca-watch'] = new Array('w','Add this page to your watchlist'); ta['ca-unwatch'] = new Array('w','Remove this page from your watchlist'); ta['search'] = new Array('f','Search this wiki'); ta['p-logo'] = new Array('','Main Page'); ta['n-mainpage'] = new Array('z','Visit the Main Page'); ta['n-portal'] = new Array('','About the project, what you can do, where to find things'); ta['n-currentevents'] = new Array('','Find background information on current events'); ta['n-recentchanges'] = new Array('r','The list of recent changes in the wiki.'); ta['n-randompage'] = new Array('x','Load a random page'); ta['n-help'] = new Array('','The place to find out.'); ta['n-sitesupport'] = new Array('','Support us'); ta['t-whatlinkshere'] = new Array('j','List of all wiki pages that link here'); ta['t-recentchangeslinked'] = new Array('k','Recent changes in pages linking to this page'); ta['feed-rss'] = new Array('','RSS feed for this page'); ta['feed-atom'] = new Array('','Atom feed for this page'); ta['t-contributions'] = new Array('','View the list of contributions of this user'); ta['t-emailuser'] = new Array('','Send a mail to this user'); ta['t-upload'] = new Array('u','Upload images or media files'); ta['t-specialpages'] = new Array('q','List of all special pages'); ta['ca-nstab-main'] = new Array('c','View the content page'); ta['ca-nstab-user'] = new Array('c','View the user page'); ta['ca-nstab-media'] = new Array('c','View the media page'); ta['ca-nstab-special'] = new Array('','This is a special page, you can\'t edit the page itself.'); ta['ca-nstab-wp'] = new Array('a','View the project page'); ta['ca-nstab-image'] = new Array('c','View the image page'); ta['ca-nstab-mediawiki'] = new Array('c','View the system message'); ta['ca-nstab-template'] = new Array('c','View the template'); ta['ca-nstab-help'] = new Array('c','View the help page'); ta['ca-nstab-category'] = new Array('c','View the category page'); |
/* All JavaScript here will be loaded for users of the MonoBook skin */ | |
About |
Mu | |
Wikipedia:About |
Project:Mu dhèidhinn | |
About Wikipedia |
⧼Aboutwikipedia⧽ | |
v |
v | |
i |
i | |
p |
p | |
s |
s | |
f |
f | |
The Password for '$1' has been sent to $2. |
Chaidh facal-faire a chruthachadh air thuaiream airson $1 's a chur gu $2. Gabhaidh am facal-faire airson a' chunntais ùir seo atharrachadh air an fo atharraich facal-faire às dèidh dhan chleachdaiche logadh a-steach. | |
Password sent. |
Facal-faire air a chur. | |
Sorry, you have already created $1 accounts. You can't make any more. |
Visitors to this wiki using your IP address have created $1 accounts in the last day, which is the maximum allowed in this time period. As a result, visitors using this IP address cannot create any more accounts at the moment. If you are at an event where contributing to Wikimedia projects is the focus, please see Requesting temporary lift of IP cap to help resolve this issue. | |
Action complete |
Gnìomh deiseil | |
Added to watchlist |
⧼Addedwatch⧽ | |
The page "$1" has been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]]. Future changes to this page and its associated Talk page will be listed there, and the page will appear '''bolded''' in the [[Special:Recentchanges|list of recent changes]] to make it easier to pick out. <p>If you want to remove the page from your watchlist later, click "Stop watching" in the sidebar. |
Chaidh "$1" agus duilleag na deasbaireachd aige a chur ris a' chlàr-fhaire agad. | |
+ |
+ | |
Wikipedia:Administrators |
Wikipedia: Luchd-riaghlaidh | |
I affirm that the copyright holder of this file agrees to license it under the terms of the $1. |
Tha mi a'dearbhadh gu bheil an neach-seilbhe le dlighe-sgrìobhaidh na faidhle seo a' còrdadh cead a thoirt fò cùmhnantan an $1. | |
all |
uile | |
All system messages |
Teachdaireachdan an t-siostaim | |
This is a list of all system messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace. |
Seo liosta de theachdaireachdan an t-siostaim a tha ri làimh ann an ainm-spàs MediaWiki. Tadhail air Ionadaileadh MediaWiki is translatewiki.net ma tha thu airson pàirt a ghabhail ann an ionadaileadh MediaWiki. | |
All pages |
A h-uile duilleag | |
$1 to $2 |
⧼Alphaindexline⧽ | |
<font color=red><b>User $1, you are already logged in!</b></font><br /> |
⧼Alreadyloggedin⧽ | |
Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]] by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the page already. Last edit was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). |
Cha ghabh an deasachadh mu dheireadh air $1 leis $2 (an deasbaireachd | mùthaidhean) a roladh air ais on a rinn cuideigin eile deasachadh no roladh air ais air an duilleag mar-thà. Chaidh an duilleag a dheasachadh an turas mu dheireadh leis $3 (an deasbaireachd | mùthaidhean). | |
Oldest pages |
Duilleagan as sìne | |
and |
agus | |
Talk for this IP |
Deasbaireachd | |
''This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical [[IP address]] to identify him/her. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:Userlogin|create an account or log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.'' |
Seo an duilleag deasbaireachd aig cleachdaiche gun urra nach do chruthaich cunntas fhathast no nach eil 'ga chleachdadh. Feumaidh sinn àireamh an t-seòlaidh IP aca a chleachdadh air sgàth sin. Faodadh grunn chleachdaichean seòladh IP mar sin a chleachdadh còmhla. Mas e cleachdaiche gun urra a tha annad 's ma tha thu dhen bheachd nach eil na beachdan seo a' buntainn riut, nach clàraich thu no nach dèan thu logadh a-steach gus bùrach mar seo a sheachnadh san àm ri teachd? | |
Anonymous user(s) of Wikipedia |
Cleachdaichean gun ainm o Uicipeid | |
Content page |
Duilleag susbainte | |
A page of that name already exists, or the name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name. |
Tha duilleag ann mu thràth air a bheil an t-ainm seo no chan eil an t-ainm a thagh thu dligheachd. Nach tagh thu ainm eile? | |
View content page |
⧼Articlepage⧽ | |
SQL query |
⧼Asksql⧽ | |
Use the form below to make a direct query of the database. Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals. This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use this function sparingly. |
⧼Asksqltext⧽ | |
Autoblocked because you share an IP address with "$1". Reason "$2". |
Chaidh do bhacadh gu fèin-obrachail on a chaidh an seòladh IP agad a cleachdadh le "$1" o chionn goirid. Is "$2" an t-adhbhar a chaidh $1 a bhacadh | |
This action cannot be performed on this page. |
Cha ghabh an gnìomh seo a dhèanamh air an duilleag seo. | |
Image name has been changed to "$1". |
Ainm ìomhaigh air atharrachadh ri "$1". | |
".$1" is not a recommended image file format. |
Chan eil ".$1" molta mar chruth faidhle ìomhaigh. | |
Invalid IP address |
Chan eil an seòladh IP aig a' cleachdair seo iomchaidh | |
Badly formed search query |
⧼Badquery⧽ | |
We could not process your query. This is probably because you have attempted to search for a word fewer than three letters long, which is not yet supported. It could also be that you have mistyped the expression, for example "fish and and scales". Please try another query. |
⧼Badquerytext⧽ | |
The passwords you entered do not match. |
Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire a chuir thu a-steach a' freagairt ri chèile. | |
Bad title |
Droch thiotal | |
The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. |
Bha an duilleag a dh'iarr thu mì-dhligheach, falamh no le tiotal eadar-chànanach no eadar-uicidh air a dhroch cheangal. Faodaidh gu bheil aon no barrachd charactairean ann nach urrainn dhut a chleachdadh ann an tiotalan. | |
(Main) |
(Prìomh) | |
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1. The reason given is this:<br />''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other [[Wikipedia:Administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block. Note that you may not use the "email this user" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]]. Your IP address is $3. Please include this address in any queries you make. |
Chaidh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche no an seòladh IP agad a bhacadh. ’S e $1 a chur am bacadh seo ort. ’S e “$2” an t-adbhar a thug iad.
’S urrainn dhut fios a chur gu $1 no rianaire eile gus am bacadh seo a dheasbad. Chan urrainn dhut an gleus “Cuir post-d dhan chleachdaiche seo” a chleachdadh ach ma tha seòladh puist-d dligheach ann an roghainnean a’ chunntais agad agus mura deach bacadh a chur air a chleachdadh. ’S e $3 an seòladh IP làithreach agus agus ’s e #$5 ID a’ bhacaidh. Thoir iomradh air a’ mhion-fhiosrachadh gu h-àrd ma chuireas tu ceist sam bith mu dhèidhinn. | |
User is blocked |
Tha an cleachdair air a bhacadh | |
Block user |
Bac an cleachdaiche | |
Block succeeded |
Shoirbhich leat leis a' bhacadh | |
"$1" has been blocked. <br />See [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] to review blocks. |
Chaidh $1 a bhacadh.
| |
Use the form below to block write access from a specific IP address or username. This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy|policy]]. Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular pages that were vandalized). |
Cleachd am foirm gu h-ìosal gus seòladh IP no cleachdaiche sònraichte a bhacadh o sgrìobhadh. Na dèan seo ach gus dìon o bhandalachd agus a-rèir a' phoileasaidh. Lìon an t-adhbhar sònraichte gu h-ìosal (mar eisimpleir le iomradh air na duilleagan le bhandalachd orra). 'S urrainn dhut rainsean dhe sheòlaidhean IP a bhacadh le co-chàradh CIDR; is /$1 an rainse as motha a tha ceadaichte airson IPv4 agus /$2 airson IPv6. | |
block |
bac | |
$1, $2 blocked $3 (expires $4) |
⧼Blocklistline⧽ | |
blocked "$1" with an expiry time of $2 |
blocked $1 with an expiration time of $2 $3 | |
Block_log |
Loga nam bacadh | |
This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not be listed. See the [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] for the list of currently operational bans and blocks. |
Seo loga dhe na bacaidhean 's neo-bhacaidhean air cleachdaichean. Cha nochd na seòlaidhean IP a chaidh a bhacadh gu fèin-obrachail an-seo. Faic liosta nam bacaidhean airson nan toirmeasgan 's bacaidhean a tha gnìomhach an-dràsta. | |
Bold text |
⧼Bold_sample⧽ | |
Bold text |
⧼Bold_tip⧽ | |
Book sources |
Tùsan a tha 'nan leabhraichean | |
Below is a list of links to other sites that sell new and used books, and may also have further information about books you are looking for.Wikipedia is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and this list should not be construed as an endorsement. |
⧼Booksourcetext⧽ | |
Broken Redirects |
Ath-stiùiridhean briste | |
The following redirects link to a non-existing pages. |
Nì na h-ath-stiùiridhean seo ceangal gu duilleag nach eil ann: | |
Bug reports |
⧼Bugreports⧽ | |
Wikipedia:Bug_reports |
⧼Bugreportspage⧽ | |
Bureaucrat_log |
⧼Bureaucratlog⧽ | |
Rights for user "$1" set "$2" |
⧼Bureaucratlogentry⧽ | |
The action you have requested can only be performed by sysops with "bureaucrat" status. |
Cha ghabh an gnìomh a dh'iarr sibh a choimhlionadh ach le sysops (luchd-riaghlaidh) le inbhe "bureaucrat". | |
Bureaucrat access required |
⧼Bureaucrattitle⧽ | |
by date |
air ceann-latha | |
by name |
air ainm | |
by size |
air meud | |
The following is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date. |
Is e lethbhreac taisgte na duilleig a dh'iarr sibh a leanas, agus dh'fhaoite nach eil e nuadh-aimsireil. | |
Cancel |
Sguir dheth | |
Could not delete the page or image specified. (It may have already been deleted by someone else.) |
Cha do ghabh an duilleag no am faidhle "$1" a sguabadh às. Faodaidh gun deach a sguabadh às le cuideigin eile mu thràth. | |
Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page. |
Cha ghabh na chaidh a dheasachadh a thilleadh; is an deasaiche mu dheireadh an aon ùghdar aig an duilleag seo. | |
Categories |
Roinnean-seòrsa | |
category |
gnè | |
Articles in category "$1" |
Duilleagan san roinn-seòrsa "$1" | |
There are $1 articles in this category. |
Tha $1 alt(an) sa ghnè seo. | |
Change password |
Atharraich facal-faire | |
changes |
mùthaidhean | |
'''Note:''' After saving, you have to clear your browser cache to see the changes: '''Mozilla:''' click ''reload''(or ''ctrl-r''), '''IE / Opera:''' ''ctrl-f5'', '''Safari:''' ''cmd-r'', '''Konqueror''' ''ctrl-r''. |
An aire: As dèidh dhut sàbhaladh, ’s mathaid gum bi agad tasgadan a’ bhrabhsair agad a chur air gleus mus fhaic thu na dh’atharraich thu.
| |
Columns |
⧼Columns⧽ | |
(comment) |
(mìneachadh) | |
Compare selected versions |
Dèan coimeas eadar na mùthaidhean a thagh thu | |
Confirm |
Daingnich | |
Yes, I really want to delete this. |
⧼Confirmcheck⧽ | |
Confirm delete |
⧼Confirmdelete⧽ | |
You are about to permanently delete a page or image along with all of its history from the database. Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy]]. |
Tha thu an impis duilleag a sguabadh às agus a h-eachdraidh uile gu lèir. Dearbhaich gu bheil thu airson seo a dhèanamh 's gun tuig thu a' bhuaidh a bhios ann agus gu bheil thu a' dèanamh seo a-rèir a' phoileasaidh. | |
Confirm protection |
Daingnich dìonadh | |
Do you really want to protect this page? |
An ann a tha sibh ag iarraidh na duilleig seo a dhìonadh gu dearbh? | |
Confirm unprotection |
Daingnich neo-dìonadh | |
Do you really want to unprotect this page? |
An ann a tha sibh ag iarraidh na duilleig seo a neo-dhìonadh gu dearbh? | |
Characters of context per line |
⧼Contextchars⧽ | |
Lines to show per hit |
⧼Contextlines⧽ | |
contribs |
mùthaidhean | |
For $1 |
⧼Contribsub⧽ | |
User contributions |
User contributions | |
Content is available under $1. |
- | |
Wikipedia:Copyrights |
Uicipeid:Còir-lethbhreac | |
Wikipedia copyright |
Dlighe-sgrìobhaidh a'Wikipedia | |
Please note that all contributions to Wikipedia are considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License (see $1 for details). If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then don't submit it here.<br /> You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. <strong>DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION!</strong> |
Characters: Á á É é Í í Ó ó Ú ú Ý ý · À à È è Ì ì Ò ò Ù ù ·  â Ê ê · Ä ä Ë ë Ö ö Ü ü · Ç ç · Ñ ñ · Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū · ß · Ð ð Þ þ · Æ æ Œ œ · Ø ø · – — · [] [[]] {{}} · ~ | ° Nochdar na mùthaidhean agaibh anns a'bhad.
| |
Couldn't remove item '$1'... |
⧼Couldntremove⧽ | |
Create new account |
Cruthaich cunntas ùr | |
by email |
Cleachd facal-faire sealach air thuaiream agus cuir e dhan phost-d a tha 'ga shònrachadh gu h-ìosal | |
Page credits |
Cliù airson na duilleige | |
cur |
làith | |
Current events |
Cùisean an latha | |
Current revision |
Am mùthadh mu dheireadh | |
Database error |
Mearachd an stòir-dhàta | |
Date format |
Cruth nan ceann-latha | |
A database query syntax error has occurred. This could be because of an illegal search query (see $5), or it may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: <blockquote><tt>$1</tt></blockquote> from within function "<tt>$2</tt>". MySQL returned error "<tt>$3: $4</tt>". |
⧼Dberrortext⧽ | |
A database query syntax error has occurred. The last attempted database query was: "$1" from within function "$2". MySQL returned error "$3: $4". |
⧼Dberrortextcl⧽ | |
Dead-end pages |
Duilleagan cùile-dùinte | |
Debug |
⧼Debug⧽ | |
Search in these namespaces by default: |
⧼Defaultns⧽ | |
Wikipedia e-mail |
Post-d on chleachdaiche "$1" air Uicipeid | |
Delete |
Sguab às | |
Reason for deletion |
Adhbhar: | |
deleted "$1" |
deleted "$1" | |
"$1" has been deleted. See $2 for a record of recent deletions. |
Chaidh "$1" a sguabadh às. Seall air $2 airson clàr de dhuilleagan a chaidh a sguabadh às o chionn ghoirid. | |
del |
dubh | |
Delete page |
Sguab às duilleag | |
(Deleting "$1") |
(Dubhadh às "$1") | |
Delete this page |
Sguab às an duilleag seo | |
deletion log |
loga an sguabaidh às | |
Deletion_log |
Loga an sguabaidh às | |
Below is a list of the most recent deletions. All times shown are server time (UTC). <ul> </ul> |
Seo liosta dhe na chaidh a sguabadh às o chionn goirid. | |
For developer use only |
⧼Developerspheading⧽ | |
The action you have requested can only be performed by users with "developer" status. See $1. |
Cha ghabh an gnìomh a dh'iarr sibh a choimhlionadh ach le cleachdairean le inbhe "developer". Faic $1. | |
Developer access required |
⧼Developertitle⧽ | |
diff |
diofar | |
(Difference between revisions) |
⧼Difference⧽ | |
Disambiguation pages |
⧼Disambiguations⧽ | |
Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages |
Admins, please maintain this page by including links to all disambiguation templates and any redirects to them. The list is used by Special:Disambiguations to show any pages linking to disambiguation articles. The list will also be used by various bots. Note: This page may be translated and reformatted. Any links to [[template:...]] will be treated as links to disambiguation templates. | |
The following pages link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br />A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br />Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here. |
⧼Disambiguationstext⧽ | |
Wikipedia:General_disclaimer |
Project:Aithris-àichidh choitcheann | |
Disclaimers |
Aithrisean-àichidh | |
Double Redirects |
Ath-seòlaidhean dùbailte | |
<b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br /> Each row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the "real" target page, which the first redirect should point to. |
Seallaidh an duilleag seo na duilleagan dhut a nì ath-stiùireadh gu duilleag eile a tha 'na t-ath-stiùireadh.
Tha ceanglaichean dhan chiad 's dàrna ath-stiùireadh anns gach ràgh cho math ri ceann-uidhe an dàrna ath-stiùiridh a tha 'na "fhìor" dhuilleag-uidhe ris am bu chòir a' chiad duilleag a thomhadh mar as trice.
Chaidh innteartan le | |
Edit |
Deasaich | |
The edit comment was: "<i>$1</i>". |
Seo gearr-chunntas an deasachaidh: $1. | |
Edit conflict: $1 |
Còmhstri deasachaidh: $1 | |
Edit the current version of this page |
Deasaich lethbhreac làithreach na duileig seo | |
Editing help |
Cobhair deasachaidh | |
Help:Editing |
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Editing_pages | |
Editing $1 |
A' deasachadh $1 | |
<strong>WARNING: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page. If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.</strong>\n |
RABHADH: Tha thu a' deasachadh seann-mhùthadh na duilleige seo. Ma shàbhaileas tu seo, thèid gach atharrachadh air chall a rinneadh a-mach on mhùthadh seo. | |
edit |
deasaich | |
Edit this page |
Deasaich an duilleag seo | |
Disable e-mail from other users |
⧼Emailflag⧽ | |
Fields marked with a star (*) are optional. Storing an email address enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.<br /><br />Your real name, if you choose to provide it, will be used for giving you attribution for your work. |
⧼Emailforlost⧽ | |
From |
O: | |
Message |
Teachdaireachd: | |
E-mail user |
⧼Emailpage⧽ | |
If this user has entered a valid e-mail address in his or her user preferences, the form below will send a single message. The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear as the "From" address of the mail, so the recipient will be able to reply. |
'S urrainn dhut am foirm gu h-ìosal a chleachdadh gus post-d a chur dhan chleachdaiche seo. Nochdaidh an seòladh a chuir thu a-steach sna roghainnean agad mar an seòladh "O" sa post-d, mar sin 's urrainn dhan fhaightear freagairt a chur thugad gu dìreach. | |
Send |
Cuir | |
E-mail sent |
Post-d air a chur | |
Your e-mail message has been sent. |
Chaidh an teachdaireachd puist-d agad a chur. | |
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Cuspair: | |
To |
Gu: | |
E-mail this user |
Cuir post-dealain dhan chleachdaiche seo | |
Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate of when the lock will be released |
Cuir a-steach adhbhar a' ghlais, a' gabhail a-steach tuairmeas air fuasgladh a' ghlais. | |
Error |
Mearachd | |
Error |
Mearachd | |
content before blanking was: |
an t-susbaint mus deach a bànachadh: "$1" | |
page was empty |
⧼Exblank⧽ | |
content was: |
stuth a bh' ann: '$1' | |
Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it. The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists. Your changes are shown in the lower text area. You will have to merge your changes into the existing text. <b>Only</b> the text in the upper text area will be saved when you press "Save page". <p> |
Tha cuideigin eile air an duilleag seo a mhùthadh on a thòisich thu fhèin air a dheasachadh. Tha am bogsa teacsa gu h-àrd a' nochdadh na duilleige mar a tha i an-dràsta. Tha na mùthaidhean agadsa sa bhogsa gu h-ìosal. Bidh agad ris na mùthaidhean agad a cho-aonachadh ris an teacsa làithreach. Cha dèid ach an teacsa gu h-àrd a shàbhaladh nuair a bhriogas tu air "$1". | |
Export pages |
Às-phortaich duilleagan | |
Include only the current revision, not the full history |
Cha ghabh a-steach ach an tionndadh làithreach seach an eachdraidh slàn | |
You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or set of pages wrapped in some XML; this can then be imported into another wiki running MediaWiki software, transformed, or just kept for your private amusement. |
'S urrainn dhut teacsa is eachdraidh an deasachaidh aig duilleag no duilleagan sònraichte às-phortachadh le XML timcheall air. Gabhaidh seo ion-phortachadh gu uicidh eile a chleachdas MediaWiki air an duilleag ion-phortachaidh. Gus duilleagan às-phortachadh, cuir a-steach na tiotalan sa bhogsa-teacsa gu h-ìosal, gach tiotal air loidhne fa leth, agus tagh a bheil thu ag iarraidh am mùthadh làithreach cho math ri seann mhùthaidhean le loidhnichean eachdraidh nan duilleagan no a bheil thu ag iarraidh am mùthadh làithreach le fiosrachadh mun deasachadh mu dheireadh. Ma chuir thu an roghainn eile romhad, 's urrainn dhut ceangal a chleachdadh cuideachd, mar eisimpleir Sònraichte:Export/Prìomh-Dhuilleag airson na duilleige "Prìomh-Dhuilleag". | |
http://www.example.com link title |
⧼Extlink_sample⧽ | |
External link (remember http:// prefix) |
⧼Extlink_tip⧽ | |
Wikipedia:FAQ |
Project:CÀBHA | |
Feed: |
⧼Feedlinks⧽ | |
Could not copy file "$1" to "$2". |
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn lethbhreac dhen fhaidhle "$1" a chur gu "$2". | |
Could not delete file "$1". |
Cha do ghabh am faidhle "$1" a sguabadh às. | |
Summary |
Gearr-chunntas | |
A file with this name exists already, please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to change it. |
Tha faidhle ann mu thràth air a bheil an t-ainm seo, thoir sùil air $1 mur eil thu buileach cinnteach a bheil thu airson atharrachadh. thumb | |
Filename |
Ainm-faidhle | |
Could not find file "$1". |
Cha do ghabh am faidhle "$1" a lorg. | |
Could not rename file "$1" to "$2". |
Cha do ghabh ainm an fhaidhle "$1" atharrachadh gu "$2". | |
Source |
Tùs: | |
Copyright status |
Staid còrach-lethbhreac: | |
File "$1" uploaded successfully. Please follow this link: $2 to the description page and fill in information about the file, such as where it came from, when it was created and by whom, and anything else you may know about it. |
⧼Fileuploaded⧽ | |
Error: could not submit form |
Mearachd: cha do ghabh am foirm a chur a-null | |
From Wikipedia |
As a'Wikipedia, an leabhar mòr-eòlais saor. | |
fetching image list |
⧼Getimagelist⧽ | |
Go |
Siuthad | |
<!-- SiteSearch Google --> <FORM method=GET action="http://www.google.com/search"> <TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td> <A HREF="http://www.google.com/"> <IMG SRC="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif" border="0" ALT="Google"></A> </td> <td> <INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="$1"> <INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google Search"> <font size=-1> <input type=hidden name=domains value="http://gd.wikipedia.org"><br /><input type=radio name=sitesearch value=""> WWW <input type=radio name=sitesearch value="http://gd.wikipedia.org" checked> http://gd.wikipedia.org <br /> <input type='hidden' name='ie' value='$2'> <input type='hidden' name='oe' value='$2'> </font> </td></tr></TABLE> </FORM> <!-- SiteSearch Google --> |
<form method="get" action="//www.google.com/search" id="googlesearch"> <input type="hidden" name="domains" value="//gd.wikipedia.org" /> <input type="hidden" name="num" value="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="$2" /> <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="$2" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="$1" /> <input type="submit" name="btnG" value="$3" /> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gwiki" value="//gd.wikipedia.org" checked="checked" /><label for="gwiki">Uicipeid</label> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gWWW" value="" /><label for="gWWW">WWW</label> </form> | |
Fill in from browser |
Lìon on bhrabhsair | |
Headline text |
⧼Headline_sample⧽ | |
Level 2 headline |
⧼Headline_tip⧽ | |
Help |
Cobhair | |
Help:Contents | ||
hide |
Falaich | |
hide |
falaich | |
hist |
eachdr | |
Diff selection: mark the radio boxes of the versions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom.<br/> Legend: (cur) = difference with current version, (last) = difference with preceding version, M = minor edit. |
Taghadh nan diofar: comharraich bogsaichean rèidio nam mùthaidhean gus coimeas a dhèanamh agus put Enter no am putan gu h-ìosal. | |
Page history |
Eachdraidh na duilleige | |
- |
- | |
History |
Eachdraidh | |
Warning: The page you are about to delete has a history: |
Rabhadh: Tha eachdraidh air an duilleag a tha thu airson sguabadh às sa bheil mu $1 mùthadh: | |
Horizontal line (use sparingly) |
⧼Hr_tip⧽ | |
Ignore warning and save file anyway. |
Leig seachad an rabhadh agus sàbhail am faidhle co-dhiù | |
Show all images with names matching |
⧼Ilshowmatch⧽ | |
Search |
Rannsaich | |
Example.jpg |
⧼Image_sample⧽ | |
Embedded image |
⧼Image_tip⧽ | |
Image links |
Cleachdadh an fhaidhle | |
Image list |
Liosta nan ìomhaigh | |
Below is a list of $1 images sorted $2. |
Chì thu liosta dhe $1 faidhle gu h-ìosal air an seòrsachadh $2. | |
View image page |
Seall duilleag an fhaidhle | |
Revert to earlier version was successful. |
⧼Imagereverted⧽ | |
del |
⧼Imgdelete⧽ | |
desc |
⧼Imgdesc⧽ | |
Legend: (cur) = this is the current image, (del) = delete this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version. <br /><i>Click on date to see image uploaded on that date</i>. |
⧼Imghistlegend⧽ | |
Image history |
Eachdraidh ìomhaigh | |
Legend: (desc) = show/edit image description. |
⧼Imglegend⧽ | |
Import pages |
Ion-phortaich duilleagan | |
Import failed: $1 |
Dh'fhàillig leis an ion-phortachadh: $1 | |
Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before) |
⧼Importhistoryconflict⧽ | |
Empty or no text |
⧼Importnotext⧽ | |
Import succeeded! |
Tha an t-ion-phortachadh coileanta! | |
Please export the file from the source wiki using the Special:Export utility, save it to your disk and upload it here. |
Às-phortaich am faidhle on uicidh tùsail le goireas an às-phortachaidh. Sàbhail e air a' choimpiutair agad is luchdaich suas e an-seo. | |
Click a button to get an example text |
Briogaibh air putan airson teacsa eisimpleireich | |
Please enter the text you want to be formatted.\n It will be shown in the infobox for copy and pasting.\nExample:\n$1\nwill become:\n$2 |
⧼Infobox_alert⧽ | |
Internal error |
Ion-mhearachd | |
Interlanguage links |
⧼Intl⧽ | |
Invalid IP range. |
Raon IP neo-iomchaidh. | |
IP Address/username |
⧼Ipaddress⧽ | |
Expiry time invalid. |
Tha an t-àm-crìochnachaidh mì-dhligheach. | |
Expiry |
⧼Ipbexpiry⧽ | |
List of blocked IP addresses and usernames |
Cleachdaichean a chaidh a bhacadh | |
Reason |
Adhbhar: | |
Block this user |
Bac an cleachdaiche seo | |
Unblock this address |
Thoir air falbh am bacadh seo | |
"$1" unblocked |
"$1" neo-bhaicte | |
⧼Isbn⧽ | |
redirect page |
duilleag ath-sheòlaidh | |
Italic text |
⧼Italic_sample⧽ | |
Italic text |
⧼Italic_tip⧽ | |
Problem with item '$1', invalid name... |
⧼Iteminvalidname⧽ | |
It is recommended that images not exceed 100k in size. |
Thatar a'moladh nach tèid ìomhaighean thairis air 100k a mheud. | |
last |
roimhe | |
This page was last modified $1. |
Bha atharrachadh mu dheireadh na duilleig seo $1. | |
This page was last modified $1 by $2. |
Bha atharrachadh mu dheireadh na duilleig seo $1 le $2. | |
Line $1: |
Loidhne $1: | |
Link title |
⧼Link_sample⧽ | |
Internal link |
⧼Link_tip⧽ | |
(List of links) |
⧼Linklistsub⧽ | |
The following pages link to here: |
Tha na duilleagan a leanas a' ceangal ri $2: | |
The following pages link to this image: |
Tha ceangal ris an fhaidhle seo sna duilleagan a leanas: | |
/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD |
⧼Linktrail⧽ | |
Admins list |
Liosta an luchd-riaghlaidh | |
list |
liosta | |
User list |
Liosta nan cleachdaichean | |
Loading page history |
A'luchdachadh eachdraidh na duileig | |
loading revision for diff |
⧼Loadingrev⧽ | |
Local time display |
An t-àm ionadail: | |
Lock database |
Glais an stòr-dàta | |
Yes, I really want to lock the database. |
Seadh, is ann a tha mi airson an stòr-dàta a ghlasadh. | |
Lock database |
Glais an stòr-dàta | |
Database lock succeeded |
Shoirbhich leat le glasadh an stòir-dhàta | |
The database has been locked. <br />Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete. |
Chaidh an stòr-dàta a ghlasadh. | |
Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done. |
Ma ghlaiseas tu an stòr-dàta, chan urrainn do chleachdaiche sam bith duilleagan a dheasachadh, na roghainnean aige atharrachadh, an clàr-faire aige a dheasachadh no rud sam bith eile a dhèanamh a rinneadh atharrachadh air an stòr-dàta. Dearbhaich gur e seo na tha thu airson dèanamh is gun toir thu a' ghlas far an stòr-dàta nuair a bhios tu deiseil le do chuid obrach-glèidhidh. | |
You did not check the confirmation box. |
Cha dug thu cromag sa bhogsa dhearbhaidh. | |
Log in |
Log a-steach | |
⧼Loginend⧽ | |
Login error |
Mearachd log a-steach | |
User login |
Log a-steach an neach-cleachdaidh | |
<b>There has been a problem with your login.</b><br />Try again! |
⧼Loginproblem⧽ | |
You must have cookies enabled to log in to Wikipedia. | ||
You must [[special:Userlogin|login]] to view other pages. |
⧼Loginreqtext⧽ | |
Login Required |
Feumaidh tu logadh a-steach | |
You are now logged in to Wikipedia as "$1". |
Rinn thu logadh a-steach air Uicipeid mar "$1". | |
Login successful |
Rinn thu logadh a-steach | |
Log out |
Log a-mach | |
You are now logged out. You can continue to use Wikipedia anonymously, or you can log in again as the same or as a different user. Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache |
Chaidh do logadh a-mach. Thoir an aire gum bi coltas air cuid dhe na duilleagan mar gum biodh tu air logadh a-steach gus am falamhaich thu tasgadan a' bhrabhsair agad. | |
User logout |
Log a-mach an neach-cleachdaidh | |
Orphaned pages |
Duilleagan 'nan dìlleachdan | |
Long pages |
Duilleagan fada | |
WARNING: This page is $1 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections. |
⧼Longpagewarning⧽ | |
Error sending mail: $1 |
Mearachd a' cur post: $1 | |
Mail me a new password |
Ath-shuidhich am facal-faire | |
No send address |
Gun seòladh an t-seòladair | |
You must be <a href="{{localurl:Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> and have a valid e-mail address in your <a href="/wiki/Special:Preferences">preferences</a> to send e-mail to other users. |
Feumaidh tu logadh a-steach 's seòladh puist-d dligheach a bhith sna roghainnean agad mus cuir thu post-d gu cleachdaiche eile. | |
Main Page |
Prìomh-Dhuilleag | |
Please see [http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_i18n documentation on customizing the interface] and the [http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_User%27s_Guide User's Guide] for usage and configuration help. |
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software. Getting starteddeasaich | |
Wiki software successfully installed. |
MediaWiki has been installed. | |
Maintenance page |
⧼Maintenance⧽ | |
Back to Maintenance Page |
⧼Maintenancebacklink⧽ | |
This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-) |
⧼Maintnancepagetext⧽ | |
Make a user into a sysop |
⧼Makesysop⧽ | |
<b>User "$1" could not be made into a sysop. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b> |
⧼Makesysopfail⧽ | |
Name of the user: |
⧼Makesysopname⧽ | |
<b>User "$1" is now a sysop</b> |
⧼Makesysopok⧽ | |
Make this user into a sysop |
⧼Makesysopsubmit⧽ | |
This form is used by bureaucrats to turn ordinary users into administrators. Type the name of the user in the box and press the button to make the user an administrator |
⧼Makesysoptext⧽ | |
Make a user into a sysop |
⧼Makesysoptitle⧽ | |
The query "$1" matched $2 page titles and the text of $3 pages. |
⧼Matchtotals⧽ | |
Rendering math |
⧼Math⧽ | |
Can't write to or create math output directory |
⧼Math_bad_output⧽ | |
Can't write to or create math temp directory |
⧼Math_bad_tmpdir⧽ | |
Failed to parse |
Failed to parse | |
PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert |
⧼Math_image_error⧽ | |
lexing error |
⧼Math_lexing_error⧽ | |
Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure. |
⧼Math_notexvc⧽ | |
Insert formula here |
⧼Math_sample⧽ | |
syntax error |
syntax error | |
Mathematical formula (LaTeX) |
⧼Math_tip⧽ | |
unknown error |
mearachd neo-aithnichte | |
unknown function |
unknown function "$1" | |
Example.mp3 |
⧼Media_sample⧽ | |
Media file link |
⧼Media_tip⧽ | |
Image names must be at least three letters. |
Bu chòir ainmean ìomhaigh bhith fad trì litreachan air a'char as lugha. | |
This is a minor edit |
Seo mùthadh beag | |
M |
b | |
Pages with misspellings |
Duilleagan le mì-litreachaidhean | |
List of common misspellings |
Liosta mì-litreachaidhean cumanta | |
The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this). |
⧼Mispeelingstext⧽ | |
The database did not find the text of a page that it should have found, named "$1". <p>This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a page that has been deleted. <p>If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software. Please report this to an administrator, making note of the URL. |
⧼Missingarticle⧽ | |
<b>Missing image</b><br /><i>$1</i> |
Ìomhaigh a dh'easbhaidh | |
Missing Language Links |
⧼Missinglanguagelinks⧽ | |
Find missing language links for |
⧼Missinglanguagelinksbutton⧽ | |
These pages do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown. |
⧼Missinglanguagelinkstext⧽ | |
More... |
Barrachd... | |
Move |
Gluais | |
Move page |
⧼Movearticle⧽ | |
moved to |
⧼Movedto⧽ | |
Not logged in |
⧼Movenologin⧽ | |
You must be a registered user and <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to move a page. |
Feumaidh tu a bhith 'nad bhall clàraichte 's air logadh a-steach mus gluais thu duilleag. | |
Move page |
Gluais duilleag | |
Move page |
Gluais duilleag | |
The associated talk page, if any, will be automatically moved along with it '''unless:'''
In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired. |
Ma chuireas tu cromag sa bhogsa seo, thèid duilleag na deasbaireachd a tha co-cheangailte ris a ghluasad dhan tiotal ùr gu fèin-obrachail ach ma tha duilleag na deasbaireachd nach eil falamh ann a shiud mar-thà. Ma thachras seo, feumaidh tu an duilleag a ghluasad no cho-aonachadh a làimh ma tha sin fa-near dhut. | |
Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. The old title will become a redirect page to the new title. Links to the old page title will not be changed; be sure to [[Special:Maintenance|check]] for double or broken redirects. You are responsible for making sure that links continue to point where they are supposed to go. Note that the page will '''not''' be moved if there is already a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite an existing page. <b>WARNING!</b> This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page; please be sure you understand the consequences of this before proceeding. |
Ma chleachdas tu am foirm gu h-ìosal, cuiridh tu ainm ùr air 's gluaisidh tu a h-eachdraidh gu lèir dhan ainm ùr. Bidh an seann tiotal 'na ath-sheòladh dhan tiotal ùr an uairsin. 'S urrainn dhut ath-sheòladh sam bith a tha a' dol dhan tiotal tùsail ùrachadh leis fhèin. Mura dèan thu sin, dèan cinnteach gun cuir thu sùil air eagal 's gum bi ath-sheòlaidhean dùbailte no briste ann. 'S ann ort-sa a tha an t-uallach airson dèanamh cinntach gu bheil na ceanglaichean a' dol dha na h-àitichean ceart. Thoir an aire nach dèid an duilleag a ghluasad ma tha duilleag air an tiotal ùr mu thràth ach ma bhios e falamh no 'na ath-sheòladh 's mur eil eachdraidh deasachaidh ann. 'S ciall dha seo gun urrainn dhut ainm duilleige a thilleadh dhan ainm a bha air roimhe ma rinn thu mearachd agus nach urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh thairis air duilleag a tha ann. An aire: Faodaidh seo a bhith 'na atharrachadh mòr ris nach bi dùil air duilleag air a bheil fèill mhòr; dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu a' tuigsinn dè a' bhuaidh a bhios agad mus dèid thu air adhart. | |
Move "talk" page as well, if applicable. |
Gluais an duilleag deasbaireachd a tha co-cheangailte ris | |
Move this page |
Gluais an duilleag seo | |
My contributions |
M' obair | |
My page |
Duilleag | |
My talk |
Deasbaireachd | |
Navigation |
Seòladh | |
$1 bytes |
$1 baidht | |
$1 changes |
$1 mùthadh | |
(New) |
(Ùr) | |
You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet. To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [[Wikipedia:Help|help page]] for more info). If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button. |
Lean thu ri ceangal gu duilleag nach eil ann fhathast. Cuir teacs sa bhogsa gu h-ìosal gus an duilleag seo a chruthachadh (seall air [$1 duilleag na cobharach] airson barrachd fiosrachaidh). Mura robh dùil agad ris an duilleag seo a ruigsinn, briog air a' phutan air ais 'nad bhrabhsair. | |
You have $1. |
Tha $1 agaibh. | |
new messages |
⧼Newmessageslink⧽ | |
New page |
Duilleag ùr | |
N |
Ù | |
New pages |
Duilleagan ùra | |
New password |
Facal-faire ùr | |
To new title |
An tiotal ùr: | |
(new users only) |
(cleachdairean ùra a-mhàin) | |
(opens in new window) |
(a' fosgladh ann an uinneag ùr) | |
next |
ath | |
next $1 |
an ath $1 | |
$1 links |
$1 ceangal | |
You must affirm that your upload does not violate any copyrights. |
⧼Noaffirmation⧽ | |
(There is currently no text in this page) |
Chan eil teacsa sam bith anns an duilleag seo an-dràsta. 'S urrainn dhut an tiotal seo a lorg ann an duilleagan eile, na logaichean co-cheangailte a rannsachadh, no an duilleag seo a chruthachadh. | |
You must supply a reason for the block. |
Feumaidh sibh aobhar a thoirt airson a'bhacaidh. | |
Sorry! The wiki is experiencing some technical difficulties, and cannot contact the database server. <br /> $1 |
Tha sinn duilich! Tha trioblaidean teicneòlais aig a'wiki an dràsda, is cha gabh fios a chur gu frithealaiche an stor-dàta. | |
No changes were found matching these criteria. |
Cha deach atharrachadh a lorg a dh'fhreagradh ris na cuspairean-luirg seo. | |
Wikipedia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them and try again. |
Tha Uicipeid a' cleachdadh briosgaidean gus daoine a logadh a-steach. Chuir thu briosgaidean à comas. Cuir an comas iad is feuch ris a-rithist. | |
The user account was created, but you are not logged in. Wikipedia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them, then log in with your new username and password. |
Chaidh an cunntas a chruthachadh ach cha do rinn thu logadh a-steach. Tha Uicipeid a' cleachdadh briosgaidean gus daoine a logadh a-steach. Chuir thu na briosgaidean à comas. Cuir am comas iad agus log a-steach leis an ainm-chleachdaiche 's am facal-faire agad an uairsin. | |
Creative Commons RDF metadata disabled for this server. |
⧼Nocreativecommons⧽ | |
There is no credits info available for this page. |
Chan eil fiosrachadh cliùtha ri làimh airson na duilleige seo. | |
Could not select database $1 |
Cha do thaghadh stòr-dàta $1 | |
Dublin Core RDF metadata disabled for this server. |
⧼Nodublincore⧽ | |
There is no e-mail address recorded for user "$1". |
Cha deach post-d a chlàradh airson a' chleachdaiche "$1". | |
This user has not specified a valid e-mail address, or has chosen not to receive e-mail from other users. |
Cha dug an cleachdaiche seo seòladh puist-d dligheach seachad. | |
No e-mail address |
Gun seòladh puist-d | |
No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search. |
Chan eil duilleag leis an tiotal cheart seo; a'feuchainn rannsachaidh làn-teacsa. | |
There is no edit history for this page. |
Chan eil eachdraidh deasachaidh aig an duilleag seo. | |
No pages link to here. |
Chan eil ceangal air duilleag sam bith a tha a' dol gu $2. | |
There are no pages that link to this image. |
Chan eil duilleag sam bith a' ceangal an-seo. | |
You have not specified a valid user name. |
Cha do thagh thu ainm-cleachdaiche dligheach. | |
<strong>Note</strong>: unsuccessful searches are often caused by searching for common words like "have" and "from", which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages containing all of the search terms will appear in the result). |
⧼Nonefound⧽ | |
You have requested a special page that is not recognized by the wiki. |
Dh'iarr thu duilleag shònraichte mhì-dhligheach. Gheibh thu liosta nan duilleagan sònraichte 's dligheach aig Duilleagan sònraichte. | |
No such action |
Chan eil a leithid de ghnìomh ann | |
The action specified by the URL is not recognized by the wiki |
Tha an gnìomh a shònraich an t-URL mì-dhligheach. Faodaidh gun do chuir thu a-steach URL mearachdach no gun do lean thu ri ceangal mearachdach. Cuideachd, faodaidh gu bheil seo 'na chomharradh air buga sa bhathar-bhog aig Uicipeid | |
No such special page |
Chan eil duilleag shònraichte d' a leithid ann | |
There is no user by the name "$1". Check your spelling, or use the form below to create a new user account. |
Chan eil cleachdaiche ann air a bheil "$1". Tha ainmean chleachdaichean mothachail do litrichean mòra 's beaga. Thoir sùil air an litreachadh no cruthaich cunntas ùr. | |
The wiki server can't provide data in a format your client can read. |
⧼Notacceptable⧽ | |
Not a content page |
Chan e duilleag susbaint a tha ann | |
You have not specified a target page or user to perform this function on. |
Cha dug thu seachad duilleag-uidhe no cleachdaiche air an dèanamaid an gnìomh seo. | |
No target |
Gun cheann-uidhe | |
<strong>Note:</strong> |
An aire: | |
No page text matches |
Chan eil tiotal de dhuilleag sam bith a' freagairt ris | |
No page title matches |
⧼Notitlematches⧽ | |
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Chan eil thu air logadh a-steach | |
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Chan eil rud sam bith air a' chlàr-fhaire agad. | |
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⧼Nowiki_sample⧽ | |
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⧼Nowiki_tip⧽ | |
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Roinn-seòrsa | |
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Cuideachadh | |
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Faidhle | |
Article |
Duilleag | |
Media |
Meadhanan | |
Message |
Teachdaireachd | |
Special |
Duilleag shònraichte | |
Template |
Teamplaid | |
User page |
Ainm-cleachdaiche | |
About |
Mu dheidhinn | |
⧼Nviews⧽ | |
OK |
Ceart ma-thà | |
Old password |
Seann fhacal-faire | |
orig |
⧼Orig⧽ | |
Orphaned pages |
Duilleagan dìlleachdain | |
Based on work by $1. |
Stèidhichte air obair le $1. | |
Other languages |
Ann an cànain eile | |
others |
eile | |
Move succeeded |
Shoirbhich leat leis a' ghluasad | |
Page "[[$1]]" moved to "[[$2]]". | ||
$1 - Wikipedia |
$1 - Uicipeid | |
Someone (probably you, from IP address $1) requested that we send you a new Wikipedia login password. The password for user "$2" is now "$3". You should log in and change your password now. |
Dh'iarr cuideigin ('s mathaid gun do dh'iarr thusa seo on t-seòladh IP $1) facal-faire ùr airson Uicipeid ($4). Chaidh facal-faire sealach a chruthachadh airson "$2" a tha 'na "$3". Ma bha sin fa-near dhut, bidh agad ri logadh a-steach agus facal-faire ùr a thaghadh an-dràsta fhèin. Falbhaidh an ùine air an fhacal-fhaire sealach agad ann an $5 latha. Ma dh'iarr cuideigin eile seo no ma chuimhnich thu am facal-faire agad 's mur eil thu airson atharrachadh tuilleadh, 's urrainn dhut an teachdaireachd seo a leigeil seachad agus leantainn ort leis an t-seann fhacal-faire. | |
Password reminder from Wikipedia |
Facal-faire sealach ùr airson Uicipeid | |
A new password has been sent to the e-mail address registered for "$1". Please log in again after you receive it. |
Chaidh facal-faire ùr a chur dhan phost-d a chaidh a chlàradh airson "$1". Dèan logadh a-steach a-rithist nuair a gheibh thu e. | |
The following data is cached and may not be completely up to date: |
Chaidh an dàta a leanas a thasgadh 's faodaidh gu bheil e air dheireadh. Tha $1 toradh ri fhaighinn san tasgadan air a' char as motha. | |
Sorry! This feature has been temporarily disabled because it slows the database down to the point that no one can use the wiki. |
Tha sinn duilich! Tha an goireas seo air a chur bho fheum gu sealadach o chionns gum bi e a'slaodadh an stòr-dàta gus nach urrain do neach sam bith an wiki a chleachdadh. | |
Here's a saved copy from $1: |
Seo lethbhreac sàbhailte à $1: | |
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Project:Doras na coimhearsnachd | |
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⧼Powersearchtext⧽ | |
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Roghainnean | |
email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it. |
⧼Prefs-help-userdata⧽ | |
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Measgachadh | |
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Pròifil | |
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Mùthaidhean ùra | |
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⧼Prefslogintext⧽ | |
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Ro-shealladh | |
This preview reflects the text in the upper text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save. |
Tha an ro-shealladh seo a' sealltainn dhut an teacsa san raon teacsa gu h-àrd mar a nochdas e ma shàbhaileas tu an-dràsta. | |
Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved! |
Cuimhnich nach eil ann ach ro-shealladh. Cha deach na mùthaidhean agad a shàbhaladh fhathast! | |
previous $1 |
an $1 roimhe | |
Printable version |
Tionndadh a ghabhas a chlò-bhualadh | |
(From http://gd.wikipedia.org) | ||
Protect |
Dìon | |
Reason for protecting |
Adhbhar: | |
protected [[$1]] |
protected "$1" | |
Protected page |
Duilleag fo dhìon | |
WARNING: This page has been locked so that only users with sysop privileges can edit it. Be sure you are following the <a href='/w/wiki.phtml/Wikipedia:Protected_page_guidelines'>protected page guidelines</a>. |
Rabhadh: Chaidh an duilleag seo a dhìon 's chan urrainn ach dhan fheadhainn aig a bheil ùghdarras rianaire a dheasachadh. Chì thu an clàr mu dheireadh san loga mar fhiosrachadh dhut gu h-ìosal: | |
This page has been locked to prevent editing; there are a number of reasons why this may be so, please see [[Wikipedia:Protected page]]. You can view and copy the source of this page: |
⧼Protectedtext⧽ | |
Protection_log |
Loga an dìon | |
Below is a list of page locks/unlocks. See [[Wikipedia:Protected page]] for more information. |
Tha liosta na chaidh a dhìon gu h-ìosal. Cuir sùil air liosta nan duilleagan fo dhìon airson liosta na fheadhainn a tha fo dhìon an-dràsta fhèin. | |
Protect page |
Dìon duilleag | |
(give a reason) |
(thoir aobhar) | |
(Protecting "$1") |
(A'dìonadh "$1") | |
Protect this page |
Dìon an duilleag seo | |
Proxy blocker |
Bacaiche nam progsaidh | |
Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or tech support and inform them of this serious security problem. |
Chaidh an seòladh IP agad a bhacadh air sgàth 's gur e progsaidh fhosgailte a th' ann. Cuir fios gu solaraiche seirbheis eadar-lìn no sgioba taice a' bhuidhinn agad 's innis dhaibh mun duilgheadas mhòr leis an tèarainteachd a tha seo. | |
Done. |
⧼Proxyblocksuccess⧽ | |
Browse |
Brabhsaich | |
Edit |
Deasaich | |
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Lorg | |
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Na duilleagan agam | |
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⧼Qbpageinfo⧽ | |
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An duilleag seo | |
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Chan oibrich an roghainn seo ach anns na bèin 'Standard' agus 'CologneBlue'. | |
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⧼Querybtn⧽ | |
Query successful |
⧼Querysuccessful⧽ | |
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Duilleag air thuaiream | |
The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled. |
Tha comas nan rianairean gus bacadh le rainse a chruthachadh a chur à comas. | |
in $4 form; $1 minor edits; $2 secondary namespaces; $3 multiple edits. |
⧼Rchide⧽ | |
Show last $1 changes in last $2 days<br />$3 |
Seall am $1 mùthadh mu dheireadh thairis air am $2 latha mu dheireadh | |
Show new changes starting from $1 |
Seall na mùthaidhean ùra a-mach o $3 $2 | |
⧼Rcliu⧽ | |
Loading recent changes |
A'luchdachadh mùthaidhean ùra | |
(to pages linked from "$1") |
⧼Rclsub⧽ | |
Below are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes in last <strong>$2</strong> days. |
⧼Rcnote⧽ | |
Below are the changes since <b>$2</b> (up to <b>$1</b> shown). |
Chì thu na mùthaidhean o $3 $4 (gu ruige $1 dhiubh) gu h-ìosal. | |
Database locked |
Stor-dàta glaiste | |
The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: <p>$1 |
Tha an stòr-dàta glaiste do chlàir ùra ’s mùthaidhean eile, ma dh’fhaoidte air sgàth obair-chàraidh chunbhalach an stòir-dhàta ’s bidh e mar as àbhaist às dèidh sin. Thuirt rianadair an t-siostaim a ghlas e na leanas: $1 | |
WARNING: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to save your edits right now. You may wish to cut-n-paste the text into a text file and save it for later. |
Rabhadh: Chaidh an stòr-dàta a ghlasadh a chum obair-ghlèidhidh agus chan urrainn dhut na dheasaich thu a shàbhaladh an-dràsta fhèin. ’S mathaid gum b’ fheairrde dhut lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhen teacsa agus a shàbhaladh ann am faidhle ach an urrainn dhut a chleachdadh as a dhèidh seo. Seo am mìneachadh a thug rianaire an t-siostaim a ghlais e: $1 | |
Recent changes |
Mùthaidhean ùra | |
Number of titles in recent changes |
Uiread a dheasachaidhean a thèid a shealltainn a ghnàth: | |
Related changes |
Mùthaidhean co-cheangailte | |
Track the most recent changes to the wiki on this page. |
- | |
(Redirected from $1) |
(Air ath-sheòladh o $1) | |
Remember my password across sessions. |
⧼Remembermypassword⧽ | |
Remove checked items from watchlist |
⧼Removechecked⧽ | |
Removed from watchlist |
⧼Removedwatch⧽ | |
The page "$1" has been removed from your watchlist. |
Chaidh "$1" agus duilleag na deasbaireachd aige a thoirt air falbh on chlàr-fhaire agad. | |
Removing requested items from watchlist... |
⧼Removingchecked⧽ | |
Reset preferences |
⧼Resetprefs⧽ | |
$1 deleted edits |
$1 deasachadh a chaidh a sguabadh às | |
Hits to show per page |
⧼Resultsperpage⧽ | |
Retrieved from "$1" |
Air a tharraing à "$1" | |
Return to $1. |
Till dhan duilleag a leanas: $1 | |
Retype new password |
Ath-sgrìobh am facal-faire ùr | |
Re-upload |
⧼Reupload⧽ | |
Return to the upload form. |
Sgur dhen luchdadh suas 's till dhan fhoirm luchdaidh suas | |
Reverted to earlier revision |
Air aiseag gu mùthadh nas sine | |
rev |
⧼Revertimg⧽ | |
Reverted edit of $2, changed back to last version by $1 |
Deasachaidhean a chaidh a thilleadh leis $2 (an deasbaireachd) dhan mhùthadh mu dheireadh le $1 | |
Revision history |
⧼Revhistory⧽ | |
Revision as of $1 |
Mùthadh on $1 | |
Revision not found |
⧼Revnotfound⧽ | |
The old revision of the page you asked for could not be found. Please check the URL you used to access this page. |
⧼Revnotfoundtext⧽ | |
http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc$1.html | ||
Rights: |
Còraichean: | |
Roll back edits |
Roilig atharraichean air ais | |
Rollback |
⧼Rollback_short⧽ | |
Rollback failed |
Dh'fhàillig leis an roladh air ais | |
rollback |
roilig air ais | |
Rows |
⧼Rows⧽ | |
Save page |
Sàbhail an duilleag | |
Your preferences have been saved. |
Tha na roghainnean agad air an sàbhaladh. | |
Save file |
Sàbhail faidhle | |
Save preferences |
Sàbhail | |
Search |
Lorg | |
<p>Sorry! Full text search has been disabled temporarily, for performance reasons. In the meantime, you can use the Google search below, which may be out of date.</p> |
Tha lorg air Uicipeid à comas. 'S urrainn dhut lorg a dhèanamh air Google san eadar-àm. Faodaidh gum bi inneacsan susbaint Uicipeid tuilleadh 's sean ge-tà. | |
Wikipedia:Searching |
⧼Searchhelppage⧽ | |
Searching Wikipedia |
⧼Searchingwikipedia⧽ | |
For query "$1" |
Airson iarrtais "$1" | |
Search results |
Toraidhean rannsachaidh | |
Search result settings |
Lorg | |
For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1. |
⧼Searchresulttext⧽ | |
(section) |
(earrann) | |
Select a newer version for comparison |
Tagh lethbhreac as ùire a dhèanamh coimeas | |
Select an older version for comparison |
Tagh lethbhreac as sìne a dhèanamh coimeas | |
Only read-only queries are allowed. |
Chan eil ach iarrtasan leugh-a-mhàin ceadaichte. | |
Pages with Self Links |
⧼Selflinks⧽ | |
The following pages contain a link to themselves, which they should not. |
⧼Selflinkstext⧽ | |
There were serious xhtml markup errors detected by tidy. |
⧼Seriousxhtmlerrors⧽ | |
Server time is now |
Àm an fhrithealaiche: | |
<b>User rights for "$1" could not be set. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b> |
Cha do shuidheachadh còraichean cleachdair aig "$1". (An do sgrìobh sibh an t-ainm gu ceart?) | |
Set user rights |
Suidhich còraichean cleachdair | |
Set bureaucrat flag |
⧼Setbureaucratflag⧽ | |
Short pages |
Duilleagan goirid | |
show |
Seall | |
$1 minor edits | $2 bots | $3 logged in users |
⧼Showhideminor⧽ | |
Showing below <b>$1</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>. |
⧼Showingresults⧽ | |
Showing below <b>$3</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>. |
⧼Showingresultsnum⧽ | |
Show last $1 images sorted $2. |
Nochd na $1 ìomhaighean mu dheireadh seòrsaichte $2. | |
Show preview |
Seall an ro-shealladh | |
show |
seall | |
Your signature with timestamp |
⧼Sig_tip⧽ | |
Site statistics |
⧼Sitestats⧽ | |
There are '''$1''' total pages in the database. This includes "talk" pages, pages about Wikipedia, minimal "stub" pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as content pages. Excluding those, there are '''$2''' pages that are probably legitimate content pages. There have been a total of '''$3''' page views, and '''$4''' page edits since the wiki was setup. That comes to '''$5''' average edits per page, and '''$6''' views per edit. |
Tha $1 duilleagan gu lèir anns an stor-dàta, a'cur san àireamh duilleagan-làbhairt, duilleagan mu dheidhinn a'Uicipeid fhèin, duilleagan "bun", ath-stiùireidhean, agus feadhainn eile nach eil nan duilleag brìgheil. As aonais sin, tha $2 duilleagan ann le brìgh. Tha na duilleagan air an sealladh $3 uairean, agus air an deasaicheadh $4 uairean o'n deach an wiki a shuidheachadh. Thig sin ri $5 deasaicheidhean anns a'mheadhan gach duilleag, agus $6 seallaidhean gach duilleag. | |
The Free Encyclopedia |
An Leabhar Mòr-eòlais Saor | |
Donations |
Tabhartasan | |
Wikipedia |
Uicipeid | |
Wikipedia user $1 |
cleachdaiche Uicipeid $1 | |
Wikipedia user(s) $1 |
Cleachdaichean Uicipeid $1 | |
Skin |
Bian | |
The page you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to an external site. You might want to check the following regular expression for patterns that are currently blocked: |
Chaidh an teacsa a bha thu airson a shàbhaladh a bhacadh le criathrag an spama. Dh'fhaoidte gun do dh'adhbharaich ceangal seo a cheanglas ri làrach a-muigh a tha air an dubh-liosta. | |
Spam protection filter |
Chriathrag dìona o spama | |
Special Page |
Duilleag shònraichte | |
Special pages |
Duilleagan sònraichte | |
Special pages for all users |
⧼Spheading⧽ | |
Please note that all queries are logged. |
⧼Sqlislogged⧽ | |
Enter query |
⧼Sqlquery⧽ | |
Statistics |
Stadastaireachd | |
Stored version |
Mùthadh taisgte | |
Threshold for stub display |
Starsaich aig taisbeanadh nam bun | |
Subcategories |
Fo-roinnean-seòrsa | |
There are $1 subcategories to this category. |
Tha $1 fo-ghnethan anns a'ghnè seo. | |
Subject/headline |
Cuspair: | |
View subject |
Seall cuspair | |
Successful upload |
⧼Successfulupload⧽ | |
Summary |
Gearr-chunntas: | |
For sysop use only |
⧼Sysopspheading⧽ | |
The action you have requested can only be performed by users with "sysop" status. See $1. |
Cha ghabh an gnìomh a dh'iarr sibh a choimhlionadh ach le cleachdairean le inbhe "sysop". Faic $1. | |
Sysop access required |
⧼Sysoptitle⧽ | |
table |
clàr | |
Discussion |
Deasbaireachd | |
The page itself was moved successfully, but the talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new title. Please merge them manually. |
⧼Talkexists⧽ | |
Discuss this page |
⧼Talkpage⧽ | |
The corresponding talk page was also moved. |
⧼Talkpagemoved⧽ | |
The corresponding talk page was <strong>not</strong> moved. |
⧼Talkpagenotmoved⧽ | |
<!-- MediaWiki:talkpagetext --> | ||
Textbox dimensions |
⧼Textboxsize⧽ | |
Page text matches |
Teacsa sna duilleagan a tha co-ionnann | |
View or restore $1? |
A bheil thu airson $1 a shealltainn no aiseag? | |
Enlarge |
Meudaich | |
Time zone |
Roinn-tìde: | |
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Enter number of hours your local time differs from server time (UTC). |
⧼Timezonetext⧽ | |
Article title matches |
Tiotalan dhuilleagan a tha a' maidseadh | |
Table of contents |
Susbaint | |
Toolbox |
Innealan | |
See the differences between the two selected versions of this page. [alt-v] |
Seall an diofar eadar an dà mhùthadh dhen duilleag seo a thagh thu | |
Mark this as a minor edit [alt-i] |
Comharraich seo mar dheasachadh beag | |
Preview your changes, please use this before saving! [alt-p] |
Ro-sheall na mùthaidhean agad; saoil an cleachd thu seo mus sàbhail thu iad? | |
Save your changes [alt-s] |
Sàbhail na mùthaidhean agad | |
Search this wiki [alt-f] |
Rannsaich Uicipeid | |
View the last $1 changes; view the last $2 days. |
⧼Uclinks⧽ | |
Below are this user's last <b>$1</b> changes in the last <b>$2</b> days. |
⧼Ucnote⧽ | |
(top) |
làithreach | |
Unblock user |
Neo-bhac an cleachdaiche | |
Use the form below to restore write access to a previously blocked IP address or username. |
Cleachd am foirm gu h-ìosal gus cead sgrìobhaidh aiseag gu seòladh IP no ainm-cleachdaiche a chaidh a bhacadh roimhe. | |
unblock |
neo-bhac | |
unblocked "$1" |
unblocked $1 | |
Restore deleted page |
Seal na duilleagan air an sguabadh às | |
Undelete $1 edits |
Neo-dhèan an sguabadh às air $1 deasachadh | |
Restore deleted page |
⧼Undeletearticle⧽ | |
Restore! |
Aisig | |
restored "$1" |
undeleted "$1" | |
[[$1]] has been successfully restored. See [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations. |
⧼Undeletedtext⧽ | |
If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history. If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page will not be automatically replaced. |
Ma dh'aisigeas tu an duilleag, thèid gach mùthadh aiseag dhan eachdraidh. Ma chaidh duilleag air a bheil an aon ainm a chruthachadh às dèidh an sguabaidh às, nochdaidh na mùthaidhean air an aiseag san eachdraidh roimhpe. | |
View and restore deleted pages |
Seall 's aisig duilleagan air an sguabadh às | |
The following pages have been deleted but are still in the archive and can be restored. The archive may be periodically cleaned out. |
Chaidh am $1 duilleag a sguabadh às ach tha iad san tasglann fhathast 's gabhaidh an aiseag. Dh'fhaoidte gun dèid an tasglann a ghlanadh gu cunbhalach. | |
Deleted revision as of $1 |
⧼Undeleterevision⧽ | |
$1 revisions archived |
Chaidh $1 mùthadh a sguabadh às | |
Unexpected value: "$1"="$2". |
Luach ris nach robh dùil: "$1"="$2". | |
Unlock database |
Thoir a' ghlas far an stòr-dàta | |
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Seadh, is ann a tha mi airson a' ghlas a thoirt far an stòir-dhàta. | |
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Thoir a' ghlas far an stòr-dàta | |
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Thug thu a' ghlas far an stòir-dhàta | |
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Chaidh a' ghlas a thoirt far an stòir-dhàta. | |
Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do. |
Ma bheirh thu a' ghlas far an stòir-dhàta, 's urrainn do chleachdaiche sam bith duilleagan a dheasachadh, na roghainnean aige atharrachadh, an clàr-faire aige a dheasachadh no rud sam bith eile a dhèanamh a rinneadh atharrachadh air an stòr-dàta. Dearbhaich gur e seo na tha thu airson dèanamh. | |
Unprotect |
Atharraich an dìon | |
Reason for unprotecting |
Aobhar airson neo-dhìonaidh | |
unprotected [[$1]] |
removed protection from "$1" | |
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(A'neo-dhìonadh "$1") | |
Unprotect this page |
Atharraich dìon na duilleige seo | |
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Faidhlichean gun chleachdadh | |
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Tha na faidhlichean a leanas ann ach cha deach an leabachadh ann an duilleag sam bith. Thoir an aire gun dèan làraichean-lìn eile ceangal gu faidhlichean ma dh'fhaoidte le URL dìreach 's mar sin dh'fhaoidte gun dèid an cleachdadh fhathast ged a nochdas iad an-seo. | |
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Chì thu na faidhlichean a chaidh a luchdadh suas o chionn goirid gu h-ìosal. Seall gailearaidh nam faidhlichean ùra airson foir-shealladh nas lèirsinniche. | |
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Chan eil thu air logadh a-steach | |
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$1 gus faidhlichean a luchdadh suas. | |
<strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here, make sure to read and follow the <a href="/wiki/Special:Image_use_policy">image use policy</a>. <p>If a file with the name you are specifying already exists on the wiki, it'll be replaced without warning. So unless you mean to update a file, it's a good idea to first check if such a file exists. <p>To view or search previously uploaded images, go to the <a href="/wiki/Special:Imagelist">list of uploaded images</a>. Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Upload_log">upload log</a>. </p><p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in illustrating your pages. On most browsers, you will see a "Browse..." button, which will bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog. Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text field next to the button. You must also check the box affirming that you are not violating any copyrights by uploading the file. Press the "Upload" button to finish the upload. This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection. <p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds. Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion. To include the image in a page, use a link in the form <b>[[Image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[Image:file.png|alt text]]</b> or <b>[[Media:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds. <p>Please note that as with wiki pages, others may edit or delete your uploads if they think it serves the project, and you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system. |
Cleachd am foirm gu h-ìosal gus faidhlichean a luchdadh suas. Gus na faidhlichean a chaidh a luchdadh suas roimhe a shealltainn no a lorg annta, rach gu liosta nam faidhlichean air an luchdadh suas, thèid (ath-)luchdaidhean suas a chur ri loga nan luchdaidhean suas cuideachd 's na chaidh a sguabadh às ri loga nan sguabaidhean às. Cleachd ceangal ann an aon dhe na cruthan seo gus faidhle a chur am broinn duilleige:
| |
Upload warning |
Rabhadh luchdaidh suas | |
1 Set first character to "0" to disable the new category page layout. |
⧼Usenewcategorypage⧽ | |
<b>User rights for "$1" updated</b> |
Còraichean cleachdair aig "$1" air an nua-dheasaicheadh | |
<strong>Tip:</strong> Use the 'Show preview' button to test your new css/js before saving. |
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Cuimhnich nach e seo ach ro-shealladh air a' CSS chleachdaiche agad. Cha deach a shàbhaladh fhathast! | |
The user name you entered is already in use. Please choose a different name. |
Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche a chuir thu a-steach 'ga chleachdadh mu thràth. Nach tagh thu ainm eile? | |
'''Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user javascript, it has not yet been saved!''' |
Cuimhnich nach e seo ach ro-shealladh/deuchainn air a' JavaScript agad. Cha deach a shàbhaladh fhathast! | |
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Tionndadh | |
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Chaidh inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan duilleag seo $1 turas. | |
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Seall ($1 | $2) ($3). | |
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($1 pages watched not counting talk pages; $2 total pages edited since cutoff; $3... <a href='$4'>show and edit complete list</a>.) |
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Here's an alphabetical list of your watched pages. Check the boxes of pages you want to remove from your watchlist and click the 'remove checked' button at the bottom of the screen. |
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An clàr-faire | |
Your watchlist contains $1 pages. |
⧼Watchlistcontains⧽ | |
(for user "$1") |
(aig cleachdair "$1") | |
checking watched pages for recent edits |
⧼Watchmethod-list⧽ | |
checking recent edits for watched pages |
⧼Watchmethod-recent⧽ | |
None of your watched items were edited in the time period displayed. |
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Chan eil thu air logadh a-steach | |
You must be <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to modify your watchlist. |
⧼Watchnologintext⧽ | |
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Cum sùil air an duilleag seo | |
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Cum sùil air an duilleag seo | |
<h2>Welcome, $1!</h2><p>Your account has been created. Don't forget to change your Wikipedia preferences. |
⧼Welcomecreation⧽ | |
What links here |
Na tha a' ceangal a-nall an-seo | |
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Chan eil cead agaibh cùnntas a chruthachadh | |
You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to edit pages. |
Feumaidh tu $1 mus urrainn dhut duilleagan a dheasachadh. | |
Login required to edit |
⧼Whitelistedittitle⧽ | |
You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to read pages. |
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⧼Wikititlesuffix⧽ | |
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Chì thu gu h-ìosal am $1 mùthadh mu dheireadh san $2 uair a thìde mu dheireadh, mar a bha e $3, $4. | |
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Seo lethbhreac sàbhailte de'n liosta-faire agaibh. | |
Show last $1 hours $2 days $3 |
⧼Wlshowlast⧽ | |
Incorrect parameters to wfQuery()<br /> Function: $1<br /> Query: $2 |
⧼Wrong_wfQuery_params⧽ | |
The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again. |
Chuir thu a-steach facal-faire cearr. Am feuch thu ris a-rithist? | |
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