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a' sguabadh às na susbaint a-rèir
Loidhne 1:
Ich finde es total unglaublich...
"This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and therefore disallowed. If you believe your action was constructive, please inform an administrator of what you were trying to do. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: MacRusgail"
Sin ceart, chan urrainn dhomh dad a radh nam dhion!
Gach deagh dhurachd ris na daoine ag obair gu trang airson a' Ghaidhlig, agus a' chalg-dhireach ris na daoine eile...
==Information in (more) English==
If you're reading this website, you can look forward to reading all five articles on heedrum hodrum and folk who've built their entire academic career on the death of a language... Don't expect to find anything on most common-or-garden subject matter.
Since I've effectively been bullied off this Wikipedia, I can't be bothered with it anymore.
I suspect the Scottish Gaelic language is going to be effectively dead before the end of the century, if it isn't already.