An diofar eadar na mùthaidhean a rinneadh air "Leabhar Dhèir"

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Loidhne 15:
==Am maiseachadh==
Is léir gun deach deagh smaoineachadh a dhèanamh ro làimh air an sgeuma maiseachain, oir tha siostam coileanta ann. Tha ceithir coltasan làn-duilleige ann de na soisgeulaichean. Tha gach fear dhiubh mu choinneimh duilleag de theacsa air a bheil oir de mhaiseachadh fighte ceilteach. Tha an leabhar a’ tòiseachadh le meanbh-choltas làn-duilleige den cheithrear shoisgeulaichean. Agus tha e a’ dùnadh le dà thaobh-duilleige an aghaidh a chéile, gach fear dhiubhsan cuideachd le meanbh-choltas làn-duilleige de na soisgeulaichean. Tha an teacsa mu dheireadh de ''Eòin'' a’ crìochnachadh le meanbh-choltas leth-dhuilleige de dhithis fhirinneach. Tha tùs-litrichean beaga maisithe air feadh an teacsa. Tha deich duilleagan ann cuideachd, iad uile san dàrna leth den leabhair, anns a bheil dealbhan de dh’fhireannaich, de bheathaichean, no sgrochlaidhean sìmplidh.
The manuscript is illuminated. It has a complete and well thought out illumination programme. There are four full page [[Evangelist portrait]]s. Each portrait faces a page of text surrounded by a border of [[interlace (visual arts)|interlace]]. Each of these text pages has a large decorated initial. The book opens with a full page miniature of the four evangelists and closes with two facing pages each also with a full page miniature of the evangelists. The final text of ''John'' ends with a half page miniature of two men. There are small decorated initial letters throughout the text. There are also ten pages, all in the final half of the book, with marginal drawings of men, animals, or simple doodles.
==Có às?==