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→‎Translation Request: Replaced the English passages with Scottish ones.
b Tillte deasachadh aig ais ri lethbhreac mu dheireadh le Jose77
Loidhne 74:
"''Jesus Christ, the WardWord thatwho became flesh, Dee'ddied on the ruidcross for the redemption oof sinners, ressurrectitresurrected on the third day anand ascenditascended taeto heaven. He is the aeonly Saviour oof mankind, the Creator oof the hivensheavens anand yirdearth, anand the aeonly true God''".
"''The HalyHoly Bible, consceestingconsisting oof the AuldOld anand New Testaments, is inspeeredinspired biby God, the aeonly scriptural truithtruth, anand the staundartstandard for Christian leevinliving''".
"''Salvation is gien bi the grace o God throu faith. Believers maun relee on the Haly Speerit for tae pursue haliness, tae honour God, an tae love humanity''".
"''The Laird's Seicont Comein will tak place on the Last Day whan He desends frae hieven tae juidge the warld: the juist will recieve eternall life, while the wickit will be eternally condemned''".
"''Salvation is giengiven biby the grace oof God throuthrough faith. Believers maunmust releerely on the HalyHoly SpeeritSpirit for taeto pursue halinessholiness, taeto honour God, anand taeto love humanity''".
"''The LairdLord's SeicontSecond ComeinComing will taktake place on the Last Day whanwhen He desendsdescends fraefrom hievenheaven taeto juidgejudge the warldworld: the juistrighteous will recievereceive eternalleternal life, while the wickitwicked will be eternally condemned''".