A h-uile loga poblach
Sealladh co-mheasgaichte dhen a h-uile loga aig Uicipeid a tha ri làimh. 'S urrainn dhut an sealladh a chuingeachadh 's tu a' taghadh seòrsa an loga, ainm a' chleachdaiche (le aire do litrichean mòra 's beaga) no an duilleag a tha fo bhuaidh (le aire do litrichean mòra 's beaga).
- 08:45, 5 dhen Ògmhios 2023 Tafsilar deasbaireachd mùthaidhean created page Cleachdaiche:Tafsilar (Chaidh duilleag le "Journalists at [https://tafsilar.info/ tafsilar.info] are well aware that reliable news is a real value. We strive to be a reliable source of information that our readers can trust. Our site not only offers the latest news of Uzbekistan, but also tries to create a platform for discussion of important issues and topics of concern to our audience. We believe that meaningful discussion and debate promotes understanding and awareness in society." a chruthachadh) Taga: Deasachadh lèirsinneach
- 08:43, 5 dhen Ògmhios 2023 Chaidh cunntas a' chleachdaiche Tafsilar deasbaireachd mùthaidhean a chruthachadh gu fèin-obrachail