Tha Leabhar Mhormoin, Tiomnadh Eile Iosa Chriosd na teacs bunaiteach a tha aig na Mormonaich.

'S iomadh teangaichean air tha e ri fhaighinn, ach se Cuimreis an aon canan Ceilteach nam measg.


  • 1 Nephi/First Book of Nephi (1 Ne.)
  • 2 Nephi/Second Book of Nephi (2 Ne.)
  • Leabhar Iacoib/Book of Jacob (Jac.)
  • Leabhar Enois/Book of Enos (Enos)
  • Leabhar Iaroim/Book of Jarom (Jar.)
  • Leabhar Omni/Book of Omni (Omni)
  • Faclan Mhormoin/Words of Mormon (WoM)
  • Leabhar Mhosiah/Book of Mosiah (Mos.)
  • Leabhar Alma/Book of Alma (Alma)
  • Leabhar Helamain/Book of Helaman (Hel.)
  • 3 Nephi/Third Nephi (3 Ne.)
  • 4 Nephi/Fourth Nephi (4 Ne.)
  • Leabhar Mhormoin/Book of Mormon (Mor.)
  • Leabhar Eter/Book of Ether (Ether)
  • Leabhar Mhoroni/Book of Moroni (Mor)