'S e sruth àile a tha anns a' ghaoth. Nuair a tha i gu math fann, sin osag; nuair a tha i gu math làidir, sin gèile. 'S e doinnion no huracain a chanar ri na gaothan as treasa, agus cuairt-ghaoth neo tornadò air tè a tha a' cur nan caran dhith.
Sèididh gaoth air iomadh planaid eile, m.e. tha gaoth air Corg agus Bliogh.
Ceangailtean a-muigh sa Bheurla
deasaich- Dancing with the Devils - A short movie showing dust devils in action on a dry lakebed
- Database of Wind Characteristics - Wind data for wind (turbine) design and wind resource assessment and siting
- Meteorology Guides: Forces and Winds - Instructional module from the University of Illinois
- Names of Winds - A list from Golden Gate Weather Services
- Wind Atlases of the World - Lists of wind atlases and wind surveys from all over the world
- Winds of Mars: Aeolian Activity and Landforms - Paper with slides that illustrate the wind activity on the planet Mars
- Classification of Wind Speeds