Raon Ghàsa
(Air ath-sheòladh o Gàsa)
'S e earrann de thìr ann an Àisia a tha ann an Raon Ghàsa (Arabais: قطاع غزة', Qitˁɑ' Ġazzah/Qita' Ghazzah; Beurla: Gaza Strip ). 'S e pìos fearainn cumhang a th' ann, suidhichte aig a’ Mhuir Mheadhan-thìreach. Tha crìochan aige sa tuath is san ear le Iosrael agus san iar-dheas leis an Èipheit.
Raon Ghàsa
Pàirt de | State of Palestine, An Ear Mheadhanach, West Asia |
Cur air cois | 1949 |
Facet of | Israeli–Palestinian conflict |
Ainm sa chànan dùchais | قِطَاعُ غَزَّةَ |
Vocalized name | قِطَاعُ غَزَّةَ |
Tar-sgrìobhadh IPA | ˈɡɑːzə |
Ainmichte às dèidh | Gàsa |
Neach bhon àite | gazià, gaziana, gazians, gazianes, Gazans |
Cànan oifigeil | Arabais |
Mòr-roinn | Àisia |
Dùthaich | State of Palestine, A' Phoblachd Arabach Aonaichte, Israeli-occupied territories, Ùghdarras Palastaineach, administration of Gaza by Egypt |
Prìomh-bhaile | Gàsa |
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadail | State of Palestine |
Roinn-tìde | UTC+02:00, UTC+03:00 |
Làrach | Southern Levant |
Faisg air an uisge | Besor River, Am Muir Meadhan-thìreach |
Suidheachadh cruinn-eòlais | Palestine |
Territory claimed by | State of Palestine |
Domhan-leud is -fhad | 31°27′0″N 34°24′0″E |
Coordinates of easternmost point | 31°32′27″N 34°34′3″E |
Coordinates of northernmost point | 31°35′40″N 34°29′27″E |
Coordinates of southernmost point | 31°13′11″N 34°16′2″E |
Coordinates of westernmost point | 31°19′24″N 34°13′8″E |
Puing as àirde | Abu Auda |
Ceannard an riaghaltais | Mahmoud Abbas |
Contains the administrative territorial entity | North Gaza Governorate, Gaza Governorate, Deir al-Balah Governorate, Khan Yunis Governorate, Rafah Governorate |
Currency | new shekel |
Crìoch còmhla ri | An Èipheit, Iosrael |
Coextensive with | Sinai Peninsula, Negev |
Present in work | Gaza mon amour, Gaza Strip, Death in Gaza, Gaza |
Described at URL | https://www.btselem.org/topic/gaza_strip |
Hashtag | Gaza Strip |
History of topic | history of Gaza |
Köppen climate classification | hot semi-arid climate |
Economy of topic | economy of the Gaza Strip |
Country calling code | +970 |
Chan eil Gàsa aithnichte mar dùthaich fhèin leis na dùthchannan eadar-nàiseanta eile. Tha i na pàirt den Phalastain, ach tha pàirtean eile den Ghàsa fo smachd Iosrael agus na h-Èiphit fhathast.