Tha Dunwich Township an siorrachd Eilginn an Ontario, Canada. Bha Thomas Talbot na uachdaran-fearainn. 'Sa bhliadhna 1820 bha Gaidheal-poball math gu leòr seasmhach ann an Dunwich Township.

Dunwich Township
township municipality in Ontario, lower-tier municipality
DùthaichCanada Deasaich
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadailElgin County Deasaich
Domhan-leud is -fhad42°40′0″N 81°30′0″W Deasaich
Crìoch còmhla riChippewas of the Thames First Nation 42 Deasaich
Làrach-lìn Deasaich
"So many came from Argyllshire, that when the Marquis of Lorne, as Governor General, visited St. Thomas in 1881, the descendants of these early settlers gathered in thousands and presented him with an address... The Marquis informed his audience that he had never seen, even in Argyllshire itself, so many Argyllshire people present at one time (Lucille H. Campey, 2005:125)."

Labhair Reverend William Proudfoot à Lunnainn, nuair a rinn e cèilidh air Talbot-rèiteach:

"a stiff-necked race. They will not understand anything that is not spoken in Gaelic... I felt very little interest in them today, chiefly because of their obstinate refusal to hear the Gospel because it is not in Gaelic (Lucille H. Campey, 2005:125)."


  • Campey, L. H. (2005), The Scottish Pioneers of Upper Canada, 1784-1855: Glengarry and Beyond, Toronto: Natural Heritage Books, 376 pp.